Sunday, June 3, 2012

NYC banning BIG GULP

On the Today Show the other morning a discussion came up talking about banning Big Gulp sugary products larger than a 16 oz drink. At 7-Elevens all around they sell drink ranging from 20-64 oz of sugary products like soda. Recently, a suggestion has been brought to life to ban the selling of those drinks. 

I can understand the reasoning, but personally I don't think this will work in the long run. It might work when/if they first ban them, but people will just find ways around it. A 16 oz drink is about the size of a small drink from McDonald's. When I go out to eat somewhere, I hardly choose to have a small drink. Does that mean I"m doing something wrong because I normally get a medium? I get the portions in the United States are ridiculously large, but I don't think banning those portions are going to help. When people go out, they'll just order two of whatever they get, thinking to themselves that it equals a normal size for them. 

I went out to Flounder's last week with one of my girl friends and we split our meal. And boy am I glad we did!  We're both pretty petite women, but we can both hold out own when it comes to food! But the portions at this place were huge. Even our appetizer was large. The food was delicious, but after we had the appetizer and split the pasta I was soo full! 

 I also think that when people order food, they want to get their money's worth. They want to get every bang for their buck. It's almost like they think they have to eat everything on their plate because that's what they paid for. I don't even think it's about wasting food these days. I get when people say they have a love for food. I love food just as much as the next person. But I also try to limit my intake of unhealthy foods and I also exercise on a daily basis. 

It is really a shame how many individuals are overweight. Now-a-days, it's not big deal for children to have diabetes. Seriously...children and diabetes should never be in the same sentence. I honestly can't understand how people don't like working out. It doesn't have to be a vigorous workout every single day, but it should at least be something. Forget about looking good for a's just not healthy more than anything. I get that it's harder for other's to get the ball rolling than it is for some.  Why wouldn't you want to feel good about yourself inside and out? 

I think trying to ban Big Gulps won't be a success. I think it almost has an underlying incentive besides trying to help people get healthy. It almost feels like it's a control thing. Like someone just wants to have to recognition of TRYING to take a step in the right direction. It almost seems in genuine...but that's just my personal opinion. 

Banning Big Gulp doesn't mean people are going to automatically going to stop drinking soda and sugary drinks. I think they'll just go about it a different way...Just the way it is. People aren't going to stop doing something they like just because someone say's it's wrong. They have to want to do it themselves. 

Eat healthy. Drink water. Live longer.