Wednesday, January 23, 2013

I have always had a love for music. Especially since I started writing my freshman year in high school. It can be very inspirational. Very motivating. Very emotional.Something you can depend on when you have nothing else to cling to. Something you can relate to when you think no one else understands what you're going through. Music can be powerful. 

It can be the different a good and a bad day. A good and a great day. When you least expect it, when you think you're all alone and your day couldn't get any worse...somehow your favorite song will come on the radio...or on your iPod...or on your phone. And it will just change your whole perspective for the rest of the day! Sometimes it's that slap in the face from reality that you've been needing. Maybe to realize how truly blessed you are. Or to realize your day really isn't that bad. Or to realize simply how awesome you really are.

Just one song. 
Could change everything. 

It could single-handedly describe how you feel towards someone but you just haven't found the right words to say. Or you knew all along in your mind but you just couldn't say them out loud. 

One of my favorite lyrics is, " Now I'll be bold as well as strong, and use my head alongside my heart " by Mumford and Sons! They have such a subtle but clear way of describing things. Sometimes you have to fill in the blanks (After all most songs aren't written out in complete sentences) but that's the fun part. You can interpret the lyrics however you want. Some might be self explanatory, but others are left to the imagination. 

When I listened to that song, those particular lyrics just stuck out to me. It was a powerful statement. To me, it was just the reinforcement I needed. Almost like telling myself I was doing the right thing. Many times in the past, I have used my heart and just my heart. And that really hasn't gotten me anywhere. I can definitely be an emotional person. I have a lot of love to give. And I love making people smile. But sometimes I put to much faith in others. I expect to much of them. And it's always a let down. Being kind-hearted isn't always a good thing. 

So, "Now ill be bold as well as strong, and use my head alongside my heart!!" Just have to use my head more than my heart these days. As hard as it is to leave your emotions out of things, sometimes that's the only way to survive. And then when the time is can let a little bit of your heart show =]