Monday, August 5, 2013

Fall in love when you're READY...Not when you're LONELY

When you've been hurt and you are feeling lonely, all you want to do is find something t someone that makes you feel better. That's gets rid of the pain. That gets rid of the hurt. That get's rid of the loneliness. Whether that is a hobby, a job, food, or a friend...who you want to be more than a friend. And fill that gap that you think needs to be filled in order for everything to be ok. But in reality, you know that wont make anything better. Wanting a quick fix, an easy way out, in the long run will probably make things work. Wanting to forget the past, to foget everything that has happened, forget the bad memories and only remember the good times...wont make the hurt go away. It wont make you a stronger person or a better person.

As hard as moving on may be, you must. Holding onto the past, living in the past, replaying it in your mind over and over again is not healthy. You wont ever be able to move in if you continue to do so. Having regrets is not a bad thing. I have a few. But moving on and learning from them is what makes you a better person and is what other admire. To be able to admit when you were wrong and not always placing the blame on someone else is the first step to in the right direction...the first step in moving on. You shouldn't want to forget what happened. Learn from it. Become a better person and don't make the same mistakes when you are in another relationship.  

Finding someone to replace your ex, to replace your old love, to replace your best friend when you're not ready will only make things harder. Deep down you know you're only doing this to fill a void, to fill that empty feeling inside. You will probably just end up hurting the other person and yourself in the long run. Everyone wants that someone they can always count on...just that special person in their life. But forcing something that may not really be there...isn't real. It may just not be the right moment.

What's meant to be will (hopefully) be.  The hurt and the pain comes with the territory. No one said it would be easy. No one said love would be easy. And no one said learning life lessons would be easy. But if you learn from those mistakes, and consciously make an effort to fix things...than it will all be worth it in the long run!

Being in love is probably the best feeling in the world to experience. It's new, it's fun, it's sexual, it's sensual, it's amazing, it's unexpected. They say time heals all wounds.Sometimes it may take longer than you want for the pain to go away. Sometimes it may surprise you and it'll be gone before you can even think twice about that person. It will one day just be a distant memory. Of what used to be. But sometimes...there is that one love. That one person you just can't seem to get out of your head no matter how hard you try. No matter how much you put your time into everything else. No matter how many negative things you try and think about them. Nothing can erase them from your memory...not deleting the texts, pictures, or voice notes. Nothing. Because to you, it was that once in a lifetime kinda love. 

With me, with this love...I wasn't filling a void. It was a 100% real to me and it completely caught me off guard. It was that unexpected...amazing kinda love. But sometimes...sometimes you meet the person but it just isn't the right time <3

Just don't lose hard as it may be. does mean "hold on, pain ends!"


Thursday, August 1, 2013

Sam Smith - Lay Me Down (Acoustic)

Love this's a must listen <3 His voice is unbelievable and the lyrics are perfection...Everything I wish I could say...

Have this happened to you?

You meet someone unexpectedly, and having no clue how much they'd mean to you in the future. How the path of two strangers crossed and how it has changed and affected our life so much.  And how an accidental clash or worlds, was the most beautiful thing that could possible ever happen to you? 

Well, it's happened to me.

And, it was an amazing feeling. <3