Monday, August 5, 2013

Fall in love when you're READY...Not when you're LONELY

When you've been hurt and you are feeling lonely, all you want to do is find something t someone that makes you feel better. That's gets rid of the pain. That gets rid of the hurt. That get's rid of the loneliness. Whether that is a hobby, a job, food, or a friend...who you want to be more than a friend. And fill that gap that you think needs to be filled in order for everything to be ok. But in reality, you know that wont make anything better. Wanting a quick fix, an easy way out, in the long run will probably make things work. Wanting to forget the past, to foget everything that has happened, forget the bad memories and only remember the good times...wont make the hurt go away. It wont make you a stronger person or a better person.

As hard as moving on may be, you must. Holding onto the past, living in the past, replaying it in your mind over and over again is not healthy. You wont ever be able to move in if you continue to do so. Having regrets is not a bad thing. I have a few. But moving on and learning from them is what makes you a better person and is what other admire. To be able to admit when you were wrong and not always placing the blame on someone else is the first step to in the right direction...the first step in moving on. You shouldn't want to forget what happened. Learn from it. Become a better person and don't make the same mistakes when you are in another relationship.  

Finding someone to replace your ex, to replace your old love, to replace your best friend when you're not ready will only make things harder. Deep down you know you're only doing this to fill a void, to fill that empty feeling inside. You will probably just end up hurting the other person and yourself in the long run. Everyone wants that someone they can always count on...just that special person in their life. But forcing something that may not really be there...isn't real. It may just not be the right moment.

What's meant to be will (hopefully) be.  The hurt and the pain comes with the territory. No one said it would be easy. No one said love would be easy. And no one said learning life lessons would be easy. But if you learn from those mistakes, and consciously make an effort to fix things...than it will all be worth it in the long run!

Being in love is probably the best feeling in the world to experience. It's new, it's fun, it's sexual, it's sensual, it's amazing, it's unexpected. They say time heals all wounds.Sometimes it may take longer than you want for the pain to go away. Sometimes it may surprise you and it'll be gone before you can even think twice about that person. It will one day just be a distant memory. Of what used to be. But sometimes...there is that one love. That one person you just can't seem to get out of your head no matter how hard you try. No matter how much you put your time into everything else. No matter how many negative things you try and think about them. Nothing can erase them from your memory...not deleting the texts, pictures, or voice notes. Nothing. Because to you, it was that once in a lifetime kinda love. 

With me, with this love...I wasn't filling a void. It was a 100% real to me and it completely caught me off guard. It was that unexpected...amazing kinda love. But sometimes...sometimes you meet the person but it just isn't the right time <3

Just don't lose hard as it may be. does mean "hold on, pain ends!"


Thursday, August 1, 2013

Sam Smith - Lay Me Down (Acoustic)

Love this's a must listen <3 His voice is unbelievable and the lyrics are perfection...Everything I wish I could say...

Have this happened to you?

You meet someone unexpectedly, and having no clue how much they'd mean to you in the future. How the path of two strangers crossed and how it has changed and affected our life so much.  And how an accidental clash or worlds, was the most beautiful thing that could possible ever happen to you? 

Well, it's happened to me.

And, it was an amazing feeling. <3


Thursday, June 27, 2013

God's 3 answers to prayers...

...1- Yes 
   2- Not Yet
   3- I have something better in mind

These are all very true answers. In their own way, each one of them stands for a different point in your life. But how do you know which answer goes with what point in your life. How are you supposed to know when to say yes...when to say not yet...and when to say he has something better in mind for me? How are you supposed to determine the right one? The power of prayer can be great! But it can also be defeating. What if you're not looking for anything but an answer...just a simple yes or no answer...but you never get it.or at least you think you never get it. What if you just weren't looking at the right signs. The right signals. How long are you supposed to wait for your answer? How long are you supposed to keep the faith? At some will start to feel defeated. Start to feel like God was never listening in the first place.

But have to figure out those answers for yourself. You have to trust yourself and trust what you believe in. Trust your ability to make the right judgement call. Because sometimes...sometimes on might not always agree with God. Sometimes you might be saying yes...and he'll be saying not yet. Something you'll be saying not yet and he'll be saying yes. In the end, he might know you're stronger than you think to handle a certain situation so he's pushing you to try something new...or something harder than you've ever been through. Or he know's how much you've been waiting for something...patiently waiting for something...and he says not you don't settle for the first thing that comes your way. So you'll be completely ready when that time finally does come along. You will be fully prepared and ready for whatever he drops in your lap.

Maybe you just got out of an unhealthy relationship and just as soon as you get out of one you're wanting to get back into one. Same story just a different guy. And as the relationship start to see the little signs of your old relationship...the bad habits you let him get away. But you don't fall for his sweet lines and charming smile. Something in your heart is telling you to leave. Telling you...there's something better out there for you. That this isn't the time to be in a relationship. Just be patient. And once that time'll know. You'll feel that it's right...that it's the right person...that it's the right situation.

Prayer can be an amazing thing. It may take time and it may take minutes to find what you're looking for or receive the answer you're trying to find. But in the end...after all is said and will be worth it. There is no much thing as an empty prayer. Someone will hear your prayer. Someone is listening to your cries...your please..your anger...your frustration...your happiness....someone is listening.

Every prayer is important. No matter how small...or how big. But you can leave your life decisions up to God! Yes, you should trust him and confide in him if you'd like. But he's not living your life. You are. So as much as God has 3 answers to have 3 answers to life...



Wednesday, January 23, 2013

I have always had a love for music. Especially since I started writing my freshman year in high school. It can be very inspirational. Very motivating. Very emotional.Something you can depend on when you have nothing else to cling to. Something you can relate to when you think no one else understands what you're going through. Music can be powerful. 

It can be the different a good and a bad day. A good and a great day. When you least expect it, when you think you're all alone and your day couldn't get any worse...somehow your favorite song will come on the radio...or on your iPod...or on your phone. And it will just change your whole perspective for the rest of the day! Sometimes it's that slap in the face from reality that you've been needing. Maybe to realize how truly blessed you are. Or to realize your day really isn't that bad. Or to realize simply how awesome you really are.

Just one song. 
Could change everything. 

It could single-handedly describe how you feel towards someone but you just haven't found the right words to say. Or you knew all along in your mind but you just couldn't say them out loud. 

One of my favorite lyrics is, " Now I'll be bold as well as strong, and use my head alongside my heart " by Mumford and Sons! They have such a subtle but clear way of describing things. Sometimes you have to fill in the blanks (After all most songs aren't written out in complete sentences) but that's the fun part. You can interpret the lyrics however you want. Some might be self explanatory, but others are left to the imagination. 

When I listened to that song, those particular lyrics just stuck out to me. It was a powerful statement. To me, it was just the reinforcement I needed. Almost like telling myself I was doing the right thing. Many times in the past, I have used my heart and just my heart. And that really hasn't gotten me anywhere. I can definitely be an emotional person. I have a lot of love to give. And I love making people smile. But sometimes I put to much faith in others. I expect to much of them. And it's always a let down. Being kind-hearted isn't always a good thing. 

So, "Now ill be bold as well as strong, and use my head alongside my heart!!" Just have to use my head more than my heart these days. As hard as it is to leave your emotions out of things, sometimes that's the only way to survive. And then when the time is can let a little bit of your heart show =] 


Sunday, October 21, 2012

Enjoy Yourself!

"Life and Soccer"

If like was like a sport i think many more people would live in the moment
I think they would take life's struggles and defeat them like an easy opponent
No one would make fun of you for trying something different
They would try and copy what you did or leave their own lasting foot print
Having so much passion, especially when you play
Something that rubs off on other in many different ways...
...Is a emotion I wish everyone could experience
Memories you can look back on; stories to talk about and reminisce
Being able to spend most of your life doing something you love
Is what most only wish they have the opportunity to do; don't ever take it for granted...always thank the man    
Thank him for the talent that he has given you
Thank him for the lasting friendships; both old and new
Through all the injuries and hardships and pain
Remain strong and stay disciplined and you'll have nothing but positive things to gain
Cherish ever moment you're able to step on the field and play
Don't take the people in your life for granted; tell them you love them each and every day

This is a poem I recently wrote and thought I would share with you guys! I'm so proud of you guys and what you have accomplished this season! I know it has gone by fast, but you still have a lot more to play and a lot more fight in you. Every game someone new is scoring a goal, or getting an assist or saving a goal and that's so awesome. Definitely some great character within your team!

I miss playing SO much! Please enjoy every minute. Even practice...even the small things. I didn't think I would miss playing as much as I did after college. But it will definitely hit you. Whether you has aspirations of  playing after college or whether college is where you stop. You don't want to regret anything, because you're not guaranteed anything. You guys are ALL AMAZING!! Keep working hard and the results will speak for themselves!

I love you guys! =] Go UDUBB <3

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

The Script- Breakeven

"I'm still alive but I"m barely breathing 
Just praying to a God that I don't believe in 
'Cause I got time while she got freedom
'Cause when a heart breaks, no, it don't break even

Her best days were some of my worst 
She finally met a man that's gonna put her first 
While I'm wide awake she's no trouble sleeping 
'Cause when a heart breaks not it don't break

What am I supposed to do when the best part of me was always you?
And what am I supposed to say when I'm all choked up and you're ok? 
I'm falling to pieces, yeah
I'm falling to pieces 

They say bad things happen for a reason 
But no words gonna stop the bleeding 
'Cause she's moved on while I"m still grieving 
And when a heart breaks no it don't break"

This is one of my favorite songs. It's something you can instantly relate to. Although it is somewhat sad, it is completely true. And I am all for the truth. Breaking up is never easy. Well, it can be easy when you're the one breaking up with someone else. Even if you haven't been dating someone for that long...being broken up with doesn't feel to good. No matter how you look at it, someone is basically saying they don't like who you are as a person. And that can sometimes be hard to swallow.

Being in love and breaking up can be one of the worst feelings you will ever go through. You have put all your feelings and time and emotions and trust in that person and in that relationship. Even if you see the break up coming someone is going to be more hurt than another. Someone will be more devastated than the other. It's never an even break.

Maybe throughout the relationship, it was more one-sided and that person went through more hurt than they let on, but as soon as the break up happens, the other person is now going through a world of hurt. It's rare when other individuals are hurting at the exact same the exact same way...for the exact same reasons. So it's not surprising for one person to hurt more than the other when they break up.

These lyrics are so true about a break up it's scary. When I was feeling this way and heard this songs, it was like I had an epiphany. Like I wasn't the only one who felt that way. And when I tried to describe how I was feelings, all I had to do was say these lyrics. "Just praying to a God that I don't believe in"... I never really prayed like I should while I was in a relationship.But as soon as that relationship ended, I couldn't pray enough to anyone who would listen...Just to have a better day...To go a day without crying....To go a day without blaming myself for everything .

"They say bad things happen for a reason, but no words gonna stop the bleeding"...No matter what anyone says to make you feel better after a break up, nothing really helps. No words can cure a broken heart. With me, time really healed all wounds! My mom once told me to give it 6 months and I would feel like a different person. And of course...she was right! But at the time I didn't believe her. At the time I didn't think anything would make me feel better. I thought I would always feel that way. But clearly that wasn't the case =]

It's kind of scary how much you can relate to music. It's definitely something amazing! It can be a mood lifter and a game changer. A way to make you feel like you're not the only one out there.

Something that can put a smile on your face when nothing else can...