Sunday, October 21, 2012

Enjoy Yourself!

"Life and Soccer"

If like was like a sport i think many more people would live in the moment
I think they would take life's struggles and defeat them like an easy opponent
No one would make fun of you for trying something different
They would try and copy what you did or leave their own lasting foot print
Having so much passion, especially when you play
Something that rubs off on other in many different ways...
...Is a emotion I wish everyone could experience
Memories you can look back on; stories to talk about and reminisce
Being able to spend most of your life doing something you love
Is what most only wish they have the opportunity to do; don't ever take it for granted...always thank the man    
Thank him for the talent that he has given you
Thank him for the lasting friendships; both old and new
Through all the injuries and hardships and pain
Remain strong and stay disciplined and you'll have nothing but positive things to gain
Cherish ever moment you're able to step on the field and play
Don't take the people in your life for granted; tell them you love them each and every day

This is a poem I recently wrote and thought I would share with you guys! I'm so proud of you guys and what you have accomplished this season! I know it has gone by fast, but you still have a lot more to play and a lot more fight in you. Every game someone new is scoring a goal, or getting an assist or saving a goal and that's so awesome. Definitely some great character within your team!

I miss playing SO much! Please enjoy every minute. Even practice...even the small things. I didn't think I would miss playing as much as I did after college. But it will definitely hit you. Whether you has aspirations of  playing after college or whether college is where you stop. You don't want to regret anything, because you're not guaranteed anything. You guys are ALL AMAZING!! Keep working hard and the results will speak for themselves!

I love you guys! =] Go UDUBB <3

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