Monday, September 19, 2011

Something to think about...

"Let go when you're hurting to much. Give up when love isn't enough. And move on when things start to become different and unlike they were before. For there is someone out here who will love you even more."

 I think this quote can be applied to more things than just love. I think that it can be applied to life in general. In life, I think your main goal should is to be happy. To enjoy your life and to find the things you love and hold on to them. You want to surround yourself with people who care for you. Who enhance your life. Who make you want to be a better person. 

Let go when you're hurting to much. Give up with love isn't enough- I think this is a very good quote within itself. Why would you want to hang on to something when you're hurting more than you are happy? Especially when you're the only one that's hurting. This doesn't just have to be about love. This could be about a job, being apart of a team, dealing with a difficult friendship or being in a abusive relationship. Why would you continue to put yourself through that pain. Stressing yourself out. Making yourself sick over something that is most likely not even worth it. When you're having more bad times than you are good, than you really need to reconsider your situation. The bad should never outweigh the good. It's ok to hold on to those good times, but that shouldn't be the only thing you're clinging onto. You're only hope for survival. 

With the second quote, I don't think I would necessarily use the words "give up." I'm not sure what I would put in replace of that, but those just seem like the wrong words. This is pretty self explanatory though. When love isn't enough, move on. When you don't think you love someone anymore and when you can't say I love you no matter what, than you should know something is missing. 

And move on when things start to become different and unlike they were before. For there is someone out here who will love you even more- This is true in a lot of relationships. I know it was when it came to mine. When you first get into a relationship I think people try to make things perfect. They try to please each other, never fight and show the best side of themselves as possible. But as time goes on, things tend to change. People tend to change. You start to notice things about each other that you didn't when you first got together. The little things that start to bother you. You start fighting more and more for no apparent reason at all. One little thing will set one of you off and everything will be blown out of proportion. A relationship shouldn't be more work than it's worth. Of course every relationship has it's ups and downs, but when you're having to fight to make things work is when you might want to consider moving on. 

At the time you may think there isn't anything better out there. But once you do find someone else and it's just easy...than you'll know you made the right decision. You'll wonder why you stayed in that relationship for as long as you did. Why you tried to make it work for so long will become a mystery to you. You'll wonder why you wasted so much of your time and energy. Why you let yourself get so stressed out all the time. Wondering why things weren't working. Wondering why you weren't enough. 

But when you do find the right person, all those questions and hesitations go out the window! It just works. It just feels right. You're where you're supposed to be. You'll know. You just have to take that leap into the unknown. To exit the familiar and not stick with what you know. Because you never know what you might find... =]


Sunday, September 11, 2011

Remembering 9/11

“Time is passing. Yet, for the United States of America, there will be no forgetting September the 11th. We will remember every rescuer who died in honor. We will remember every family that lives in grief. We will remember the fire and ash, the last phone calls, the funerals of the children" 
If you weren't directly impacted by September 11th, I don't think it means as much to you as it would to someone who lost a loved one. But none the less, it all holds a special place in our hearts. We all know exactly what we were doing when the World Trade Centers. My generation was still really young. I know when I heard about it, I didn't fully understand what was happening. I knew it was something bad. And I knew it was something that would forever remain a date no one would ever forget.

At that time, I wasn't to scared. I did know that it was happening in really big cities. So I actually felt pretty safe because I knew someone wouldn't want to harm a small town in Florida. So I was definitely glad I did not live in a big city at that time. And I was thankful that I didn't have any family that lived in New York either. So incredibly thankful.

I couldn't imagine what those individuals had to go through. How scared the people were in those buildings as they were falling. What their last thought was. Was their last image was. What they last said to their loved ones. It's something you just can't begin to fathom or wrap your head around. Or to the brave individuals who decided to stay behind waiting for others to evacuate..showing the fastest way out not thinking about themselves. The fallen heroes. The ones no one saw helping others. Comforting others telling them everything will be ok.

At one end, you want to be proud that your loved one helped others save their life, but at the same time you're angry...frustrated and sad because they're not back at home with you. I know that I would be torn with a million different emotions if I was dealt with that situation. You almost would have wanted that person to be selfish and find their way back to you...back home. But then again you can't help but be inspired and love them even more because of what they did for others. For many, we need an anniversary to remember something like this. But to many others..they have a constant reminder each and every day. Pictures. Videos. Children of fallen men and women. Husbands and wives. Grandparents. Sisters and brothers. They will never forget. It's impossible to forget.

The anniversary is just a reminder of what was stolen from them. Innocent lives cut short. Taken from their loved ones for no reason at all. They don't need an anniversary to remember what they've lost.

My heart goes out to all the families who were impacted by 9/11. I can't imagine the struggles they go through to this day. The void that is forever gone in their lives. Lives were torn apart, and brought together all at the same time. I don't think any American will forget this day. They may not think about it on a daily basis, but it will always be in their mind. It will forever be a date in our history books that never should have happened....

Never forgotten and forever grateful...


My Lady Jags!!

They say, everyone loves a winner, but to me personally, I love a fighter. And that's what all my lady jags are...especially the seniors. They're fighters. They have been fighting for the past four years. Every sprint. Every early morning weight session. Every 115 completed. It's all finally paying off. They never gave up. They may have gotten the wind knocked out of their sails at some point...but they never gave up. They put the previous season's loses behind them. Starting fresh. Starting new.

Determined to make this year better than any other. Refusing to lose. Refusing to not being taken seriously. When no one else had faith in them and when no one else thought they could win, they thought they could. They believed in themselves and the rest of their team. They didn't care what others thought. They knew deep down they could win. Finding a way to win was their only obstacle. I knew they had the talent. That was never the question. It was just a question of whether or not they could come together and find a way to win.

And judging from the last few games...they have definitely found a way to win! And to the lower-class men...keep working hard. I am really proud of the sophomores who stayed and continued to believe in your team. You guys definitely make a huge impact with the team. To the freshman...This is just the beginning for you guys. Enjoy EVERY minute that you can. It really does go by to fast. Enjoy every minute you play. Remember every tackle and every bruise. Learn from your mistakes and take a moment to enjoy your success!

JASMINE!! I'm soo proud of you! I heard you got a goal today. That's awesome. You definitely are an inspiration to us all. I know getting back to the field was a long process, but your hard work is paying off and I couldn't be happier for you. Keep working hard girl! TINA!! lol You're a mess! Get better already! But don't come back to soon because I don't want you getting hurt again lol I know you'll do great things when you see the field again. Just keep working hard to recover! JULS!! Get better sweet thang! I'm glad to see you're not in the hospital anymore! EMI!! I know you've been healthy for a while now, but I also know your road to recovery was pretty long! Proud of you that you never gave up and came back strong! Keep working hard girl! Now just work on recovering girl! If anyone else is hurt...hurry up and get better...BRANDI! lol

I'm sooooo proud of each and every one of you guys!! Keep working hard!! I'm so glad you guys are finally enjoying success...It's about time. I miss all of you guys so much. I wish I was still playing with you guys. You definitely don't realize how much you miss something until it's not there anymore!

JESS...I couldn't think of anyone better to represent my number!! You're rock! #24

I love you guys to death!!

Smile =]