Wednesday, August 22, 2012

The Script- Breakeven

"I'm still alive but I"m barely breathing 
Just praying to a God that I don't believe in 
'Cause I got time while she got freedom
'Cause when a heart breaks, no, it don't break even

Her best days were some of my worst 
She finally met a man that's gonna put her first 
While I'm wide awake she's no trouble sleeping 
'Cause when a heart breaks not it don't break

What am I supposed to do when the best part of me was always you?
And what am I supposed to say when I'm all choked up and you're ok? 
I'm falling to pieces, yeah
I'm falling to pieces 

They say bad things happen for a reason 
But no words gonna stop the bleeding 
'Cause she's moved on while I"m still grieving 
And when a heart breaks no it don't break"

This is one of my favorite songs. It's something you can instantly relate to. Although it is somewhat sad, it is completely true. And I am all for the truth. Breaking up is never easy. Well, it can be easy when you're the one breaking up with someone else. Even if you haven't been dating someone for that long...being broken up with doesn't feel to good. No matter how you look at it, someone is basically saying they don't like who you are as a person. And that can sometimes be hard to swallow.

Being in love and breaking up can be one of the worst feelings you will ever go through. You have put all your feelings and time and emotions and trust in that person and in that relationship. Even if you see the break up coming someone is going to be more hurt than another. Someone will be more devastated than the other. It's never an even break.

Maybe throughout the relationship, it was more one-sided and that person went through more hurt than they let on, but as soon as the break up happens, the other person is now going through a world of hurt. It's rare when other individuals are hurting at the exact same the exact same way...for the exact same reasons. So it's not surprising for one person to hurt more than the other when they break up.

These lyrics are so true about a break up it's scary. When I was feeling this way and heard this songs, it was like I had an epiphany. Like I wasn't the only one who felt that way. And when I tried to describe how I was feelings, all I had to do was say these lyrics. "Just praying to a God that I don't believe in"... I never really prayed like I should while I was in a relationship.But as soon as that relationship ended, I couldn't pray enough to anyone who would listen...Just to have a better day...To go a day without crying....To go a day without blaming myself for everything .

"They say bad things happen for a reason, but no words gonna stop the bleeding"...No matter what anyone says to make you feel better after a break up, nothing really helps. No words can cure a broken heart. With me, time really healed all wounds! My mom once told me to give it 6 months and I would feel like a different person. And of course...she was right! But at the time I didn't believe her. At the time I didn't think anything would make me feel better. I thought I would always feel that way. But clearly that wasn't the case =]

It's kind of scary how much you can relate to music. It's definitely something amazing! It can be a mood lifter and a game changer. A way to make you feel like you're not the only one out there.

Something that can put a smile on your face when nothing else can...


Tuesday, August 21, 2012

"Day by Day"

-You go though life living each day
-Trying to survive and get past the mistakes that you've made
-Thinking about the things you can't change
-All the while trying to find someone else but yourself to blame
-Making an effort to make each day better than the last
-Making a conscious effort not to keep reliving your past
-Trying your best to show people who you really are
-But making a point to stay true and not take things to far
-Longing to have that comfort of someone by your side
-For them to understand you and not have a reason to hide
-To have the courage to let your doubts go
-To let your guard down and let your true feelings show
-You have so much to give just bottled up inside you
-Being patient is not always something that is easy to do
-Days than months and then years slowly go by
-You can't ever seem to fine the problem; you never really know why
-Why has no one wanted to invest their time in me?
-How many more times do I have to say, "What's meant to be will be?"
-Scared to fall to hard; scared to fall to fast
-Trying to do everything right so that this one good thing will last
-You can't help but think the problem has been you all along
-Fighting the urge not to give up; trying to remain strong
-Continuing to have faith that one day everything will change
-Is something hard to do; especially when things remain the same
-Simply wanting to give someone all your love
-To tell then how much you adore them; starting with a hug
-To show them the little things that make them smile each day
-Finding new things to make them laugh; surprising them along the way
-With each passing day that goes by
-You try not to think about it and wonder why
-Wondering when your heart will be filled with complete happiness
-Wondering when you'll find that something you're heart has always missed

One of my favorite quotes...

Bob Marley was definitely a wise man. I think what I like most about him, is that he just kept things simple. He didn't try to complicate things or use big words that didn't really make sense. It was all from the heart and all something everyone could relate to. Something that truly, "makes you wonder." His music is something extraordinary on it's own. But when you start to learn more about him and who he really was, the quotes he says all start to make sense. He loved life and didn't take it for granted. He cherished the little things and I think he wanted that to be something he was known for. He was a brilliant artist. I only wish I could have created some of the things he did. 

This quote is one of my favorites because it is so simple and straight to the point. Even if you've never been in love before you can still relate to this somehow. It can even be about a friendship if you've never been close to loving someone because that trust and love is still important with a strong friendship. 

Loving someone can definitely be hard. It can be one of the scariest things you'll go through. But it can also be one of the happiest times. There's not certainty with life. There's no certainty that no one will ever hurt you. That the one who supposedly loves you will never hurt you. But that doesn't mean you shouldn't try. Being afraid is good. It will keep you alert and on your toes. No one can predict the future. You can't force someone to love you and you can't force yourself to love someone else. That's not true love. But it is hard to TRUST someone with your heart. With your feelings. 

You kind of just have to have faith that they will protect your heart once you give it to them.Once you've said , "I love you." I really like this quote because it's basically saying, just because you SAY you love someone or something, doesn't necessarily mean it's true. Actions should always out speak your words. So who am I to believe what you say? Who am I to believe you with my heart when you say  you love me? 

Guess you just have to take that leap of faith...
Trust YOUR heart...not theirs...
Believe what YOUR gut is telling you...

Love can be a beautiful thing.