Tuesday, August 21, 2012

One of my favorite quotes...

Bob Marley was definitely a wise man. I think what I like most about him, is that he just kept things simple. He didn't try to complicate things or use big words that didn't really make sense. It was all from the heart and all something everyone could relate to. Something that truly, "makes you wonder." His music is something extraordinary on it's own. But when you start to learn more about him and who he really was, the quotes he says all start to make sense. He loved life and didn't take it for granted. He cherished the little things and I think he wanted that to be something he was known for. He was a brilliant artist. I only wish I could have created some of the things he did. 

This quote is one of my favorites because it is so simple and straight to the point. Even if you've never been in love before you can still relate to this somehow. It can even be about a friendship if you've never been close to loving someone because that trust and love is still important with a strong friendship. 

Loving someone can definitely be hard. It can be one of the scariest things you'll go through. But it can also be one of the happiest times. There's not certainty with life. There's no certainty that no one will ever hurt you. That the one who supposedly loves you will never hurt you. But that doesn't mean you shouldn't try. Being afraid is good. It will keep you alert and on your toes. No one can predict the future. You can't force someone to love you and you can't force yourself to love someone else. That's not true love. But it is hard to TRUST someone with your heart. With your feelings. 

You kind of just have to have faith that they will protect your heart once you give it to them.Once you've said , "I love you." I really like this quote because it's basically saying, just because you SAY you love someone or something, doesn't necessarily mean it's true. Actions should always out speak your words. So who am I to believe what you say? Who am I to believe you with my heart when you say  you love me? 

Guess you just have to take that leap of faith...
Trust YOUR heart...not theirs...
Believe what YOUR gut is telling you...

Love can be a beautiful thing. 


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