Friday, August 12, 2011


I haven't written in a while, so I thought this would be the perfect opportunity to do so! When I was in college I never really thought about playing after I graduated. Everyone would always as me if I was planning to continue playing, but I would always say no. Although, at that time, there weren't any teams that I was able to play one. It was all still high school club teams and I really wasn't trying to do that. Recently however, women's soccer has taken off in a big way.

There are 6 (I think) professional women's teams here in the United States which is awesome, because we've never had the before. There are also a lot more WPLS teams which are semi-pro teams. I wouldn't be opposed to playing on one of those teams, but in my in Pensacola and the teams around here, it wouldn't be any different that playing in college. I would be the oldest player if I played on the team here in Pensacola. Most of these girls are still in high school or the first or second year in college.

I'm not saying I'm to good for WPLS by any means, but I can say that I wouldn't want to play on that particular team. If I were to play professionally, I would have girls my age, or a few years older which would be very cool. I think I would also learn a lot more if I were to play with older women. And I think I would get a lot more out of that experience. Especially if I went overseas! =]

Which is the main reason for this entry! I recently got an offer to go play in Germany professionally. I have been talking to an agent and my assistant coach for a few months now. Everything seemed pretty positive but nothing was for sure. I didn't think anything would happen as fast as it has. But I honestly don't think it could have come at a better time!! I just graduated and I don't have anything holding me down. I think it would be a great opportunity. My housing would be paid for, my flights would be paid for, I"d have health insurance, local transportation would be paid for and I would get a nice lil salary added on to all of that!!

I'm still a little hesitant, but it just seems like something I can't give up. I'm just nervous about going by myself and not knowing anyone or a lick of German! lol But I've never been, and I would be doing something I love. I'd like to say I wouldn't get homesick but I don't know. I've never been that far from home...but I think college kinda prepared me for that, because I rarely went home when I was in college. I would live in a small city called Kehl, Germany. I think it's about 4 hours from Berlin. I looked it up and it seems like an amazing place. It's about 10 minutes from this French city called Strasbourg and that town also looks awesome! So many places to go see and visit!

I don't know... everything is just happening so fast. It's crazy. I couldn't sleep last night because I had so much on my mind. It would definitely be a dream come true. I would be living out my dream. And not many people can say that. Being a professional athlete and traveling the world and doing what I love. I couldn't think of anything better!

I definitely have some serious thinking to do in the next few days!!


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