Monday, May 28, 2012

Painting the City!

There are definitely some perks about living on the beach and being a local! Everyone comes here on vacation and wants to know all the cool places to go, to eat and to experience. And it's really funny when you start getting questions about sharks and octopus and jellyfishes because they literally think we live in Jaws infested waters!

Last Tuesday I went to Bands on the Beach with some of my friends and it ended up being an epic night some crazy out-of-towners would never forget! lol Pensacola beach is a beautiful place to come and visit and a wonderful place to live! For those of you who don't know, Bands on the Beach is when a few bands come out a night and play for a big crowd of people just sitting in the grass and laying in the sand! It's a great place to go and relax after a long day!


Kyle, one of the friends I was with that night, works are Crab Trap on the beach. He is definitely a very chatty guy so I wasn't shocked when he said he met three ladies from out of town. Well, later that night at Bands, Kyle met up with them again and they came over and hung out with us. They were all really cool! Bands ended pretty early and the night was young. We wanted to show them a good time and brainstormed about what we could do! Tyler and I thought about going to graffiti the bridge! Kyle, Colton and the three girls all hadn't done it before so we thought why not! 

They all had a great time! I don't think they believed us when we said we could spray paint a bridge just for fun! lol They were definitely concerned with getting arrested and getting in trouble! We just simple said "it was a local tradition!" I'm glad we were able to show them something they weren't able to do at home. We saw them out again the next night and that's when we said out goodbye's! I definitely think they'll be back though =]

A little local love is what it's all about! Great night with some great people! 


Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Changing things up!

Yesterday I found a new workout I wanted to try from a fellow blogger and I definitely liked it! It was called the "JNL Fusion Lower Body Blast!" There is also one that is for your upper body that I'm going to try! Needless to say, my legs are dead...dead...dead

Here is the workout:
 Intervals 30 sec strength/ 30 sec cardio
Warm up do 3 rounds, 30 seconds intervals each of:
- Jumping jacks
- Run in place - arm swings/butt kicks
(I just did a light jog and some plyos instead)
3 rounds:
- Alternating forward lunges with weights 
- Ski jumps over a line - get low, keep butt out
3 rounds:
- Squats with weights on shoulders
- Tow tap side to side in a mountain climber position
3 rounds:
- Alternating around the world lunges with weights 
- Squat jumps with feet together
3 rounds:
- Plyo squat down & touch down
- Jump forwards, jump back over a line
3 rounds:
- Weighted sumo squat
- Soccer shuffles
3 rounds:
- Weighted calf raises
- Wide stance jumps with touch down
Cooldown, stretch, drink water! 

It was definitely different from any workout I've done, but I liked it. I hate doing the same things over and over again. It get's boring after a while, and I think that's when people start to hate working out. I think working out and is almost like being married..or just being in a relationship. Over time...many things start to become complacent and the same. You gotta keep things spicy and ever evolving! That way...every time you find a new workout or a new sport you want to fall in love all over again!! 

I decided to do the workout outside instead of in the gym and it was definitely a hot one day! Was completely drenched by the end but felt great! :]

Yesterday I also found a recovery shake that I fell in love with compliments of! It's called the Oatmeal Peanut Butter Recovery shake!! It was delicious!  

1 cup of skim milk 
1 banana 
1/2 cup whole grain oats 
1-2 Tbls of Peanut Butt

Needless to was sooo good!! I definitely recommend it! I made the portions a little smaller to start out with, just in case I didn't like it. But I did. So you should try it. You should also try the new workout if you're looking for something different. Today was definitely a good day. About to head to Bands on the Beach with some friends and relax! Hope everyone has had a great day! <3 


One of my biggest weaknesses!

This is probably one of my biggest weaknesses!!


I could eat all of a day...probably less!! Delicious!

- KC

Monday, May 21, 2012

Make Working out Fun!

Working out has always been apart of my life! I can't remember a time when I wasn't active or trying to find new things to try. Soccer has definitely been the core of my being active. I have been playing soccer since I was 4 and couldn't imagine my life without it! It is definitely my one true passion. I think people underestimate how much soccer players really do run in one game. Especially people who have never played the sport before. By the end of those 90 most of us will have ran miles when that final whistle blows! So naturally in training, we have to build up our endurance. But for me personally, I hate running long distance, so I've always tried to find other ways to get that endurance and change things up every once in a while. Doing the same thing over and over again is never fun, especially for those who don't really like working out in the first place!

One of my favorite workouts are the NTC (Nike Training Club) workouts. There are so many different individual exercises that you can combine to come up with the perfect workout! This is an awesome/free app that anyone can download! Also, if you don't have an iPhone, you can go to YouTube and just about all of the exercises are online and demonstrated. No two workouts are the same. So you don't have to repeat yourself unless you want to.

 My favorite workout is the "get strong" and "get toned" workouts because they are full body workouts with exercises you wouldn't normally think to do.

Working out is something you can also do with a friend! Find someone who will push you and keep up with you though...not someone who is going to slow you down and talk you out of doing the last rep. It will make things go faster and more enjoyable. Another key to finding a workout you love, is to find clothes that you love! Being comfortable is key. You don't want to have to constantly worry about what you're wearing. All you want to worry about is what set your on and how hard you're going to push yourself! Find some shoes that are comfortable and fun and that just make you want to go out there and workout. I love everything Nike and they have some of the best shoes to workout in and to fit your own style! That's why I love NikeID so much!


Nike bras are awesome as well! There are so many different types and styles you won't be able to say you can't find a bra that fits you right. And that's one less excuse to use when trying not to workout!

 Working out doesn't always have to be something you dread. It should turn in to something you love to do. After every workout I always feel like a new women. Personally, I like getting my workout done in the morning, because then I have the whole day to do whatever and I feel great doing it. Also, working out doesn't always have to be able losing weight. It can just be about simple toning up and just wanting to feel good about yourself!

"Sweat like a pig, work like a horse, look like a fox!"

- KC

Sunday, May 13, 2012

What happened to the hype: Kony 2012

Obviously many people did not know who Joseph Kony was. But now, most of the world knows who he is and what he has done and continues to do. It really only takes one person with an idea to change the minds of millions. I first saw someone tweet about Kony2012 on Twitter and them as the day went on it was status after status posted on Facebook. I couldn't help bit be a little curious as to what everyone was talking about and why everyone seemed so inspired.

So when I got a minute I looks it up on YouTube to see what all the interest was about. And after watching the 29 minute video I couldn't help but be interested myself. I couldn't help but be inspired and emotional at the same time. I think that everyone wants to somehow have a lasting impression on someone else's life. To let them know they are not alone in their struggle and that someone does care. Whether that is a simple "hello", a welcoming "smile" or speaking up for someone who doesn't have a voice that is being heard.

As the day went on, I saw both sides when it came to reactions from the video. Most of them were good and wanted to support the cause. Some were the opposite and didn't believe in the cause. Some thought that this was just another trend and would soon be forgotten. In a sense...everyone is right. Whether this impacts you directly or not, everyone has a mother or father or sister or brother or cousin they truly care about and couldn't imagine something so horrific happening to them. Yes, eventually Kony2012 will be forgotten by many. Shit, it will be forgotten by most...especially to the people here in the United States. But to the people in Uganda...they will NEVER forget. No matter how much time passes. In some cases time does not heel all wounds.

"Where you live shouldn't determine if you live." That is such a true and powerful statement. Here in America we don't think twice about where we live. If you wanted to move somewhere...then you move. You don't take into consideration where or not your life might be taken because you moved to a different area or to question whether or not you staying where you are will get you in trouble. That just doesn't happen in America. That doesn't happen around most of the world. But in some parts...that is a harsh reality to many. Joseph Kony is only a stranger to us. For years now, Kony has been a household name to thousands.

It's funny...When this video first came out people were very interested and inspired to help. They couldn't believe what they were seeing when they watched that video. But where is all the interest now?? What happened to all the hype of catching Kony?? Is he just another asshole added to the list of shitty people in the world put on the back burner because it doesn't effect up personally?? I think so. Which is sad, but blatantly true. I am all for helping a good cause, don't get me wrong. But the reality is, we will never personally touch any of those kids lives unless we physically go over there and help. And even then, there probably wouldn't be much we could do. 

I hope one day they do catch Kony. And hopefully one day all those families can finally rest peacefully.

"Where you live shouldn't determine if you live."