Monday, May 21, 2012

Make Working out Fun!

Working out has always been apart of my life! I can't remember a time when I wasn't active or trying to find new things to try. Soccer has definitely been the core of my being active. I have been playing soccer since I was 4 and couldn't imagine my life without it! It is definitely my one true passion. I think people underestimate how much soccer players really do run in one game. Especially people who have never played the sport before. By the end of those 90 most of us will have ran miles when that final whistle blows! So naturally in training, we have to build up our endurance. But for me personally, I hate running long distance, so I've always tried to find other ways to get that endurance and change things up every once in a while. Doing the same thing over and over again is never fun, especially for those who don't really like working out in the first place!

One of my favorite workouts are the NTC (Nike Training Club) workouts. There are so many different individual exercises that you can combine to come up with the perfect workout! This is an awesome/free app that anyone can download! Also, if you don't have an iPhone, you can go to YouTube and just about all of the exercises are online and demonstrated. No two workouts are the same. So you don't have to repeat yourself unless you want to.

 My favorite workout is the "get strong" and "get toned" workouts because they are full body workouts with exercises you wouldn't normally think to do.

Working out is something you can also do with a friend! Find someone who will push you and keep up with you though...not someone who is going to slow you down and talk you out of doing the last rep. It will make things go faster and more enjoyable. Another key to finding a workout you love, is to find clothes that you love! Being comfortable is key. You don't want to have to constantly worry about what you're wearing. All you want to worry about is what set your on and how hard you're going to push yourself! Find some shoes that are comfortable and fun and that just make you want to go out there and workout. I love everything Nike and they have some of the best shoes to workout in and to fit your own style! That's why I love NikeID so much!


Nike bras are awesome as well! There are so many different types and styles you won't be able to say you can't find a bra that fits you right. And that's one less excuse to use when trying not to workout!

 Working out doesn't always have to be something you dread. It should turn in to something you love to do. After every workout I always feel like a new women. Personally, I like getting my workout done in the morning, because then I have the whole day to do whatever and I feel great doing it. Also, working out doesn't always have to be able losing weight. It can just be about simple toning up and just wanting to feel good about yourself!

"Sweat like a pig, work like a horse, look like a fox!"

- KC

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