Sunday, May 13, 2012

What happened to the hype: Kony 2012

Obviously many people did not know who Joseph Kony was. But now, most of the world knows who he is and what he has done and continues to do. It really only takes one person with an idea to change the minds of millions. I first saw someone tweet about Kony2012 on Twitter and them as the day went on it was status after status posted on Facebook. I couldn't help bit be a little curious as to what everyone was talking about and why everyone seemed so inspired.

So when I got a minute I looks it up on YouTube to see what all the interest was about. And after watching the 29 minute video I couldn't help but be interested myself. I couldn't help but be inspired and emotional at the same time. I think that everyone wants to somehow have a lasting impression on someone else's life. To let them know they are not alone in their struggle and that someone does care. Whether that is a simple "hello", a welcoming "smile" or speaking up for someone who doesn't have a voice that is being heard.

As the day went on, I saw both sides when it came to reactions from the video. Most of them were good and wanted to support the cause. Some were the opposite and didn't believe in the cause. Some thought that this was just another trend and would soon be forgotten. In a sense...everyone is right. Whether this impacts you directly or not, everyone has a mother or father or sister or brother or cousin they truly care about and couldn't imagine something so horrific happening to them. Yes, eventually Kony2012 will be forgotten by many. Shit, it will be forgotten by most...especially to the people here in the United States. But to the people in Uganda...they will NEVER forget. No matter how much time passes. In some cases time does not heel all wounds.

"Where you live shouldn't determine if you live." That is such a true and powerful statement. Here in America we don't think twice about where we live. If you wanted to move somewhere...then you move. You don't take into consideration where or not your life might be taken because you moved to a different area or to question whether or not you staying where you are will get you in trouble. That just doesn't happen in America. That doesn't happen around most of the world. But in some parts...that is a harsh reality to many. Joseph Kony is only a stranger to us. For years now, Kony has been a household name to thousands.

It's funny...When this video first came out people were very interested and inspired to help. They couldn't believe what they were seeing when they watched that video. But where is all the interest now?? What happened to all the hype of catching Kony?? Is he just another asshole added to the list of shitty people in the world put on the back burner because it doesn't effect up personally?? I think so. Which is sad, but blatantly true. I am all for helping a good cause, don't get me wrong. But the reality is, we will never personally touch any of those kids lives unless we physically go over there and help. And even then, there probably wouldn't be much we could do. 

I hope one day they do catch Kony. And hopefully one day all those families can finally rest peacefully.

"Where you live shouldn't determine if you live."


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