Monday, March 14, 2011

"Time Stood Still"

So back in February of 2009 my parents seperated. I must say I didn't see it coming and I didn't know what to think. I could tell my mom had changed, but it didn't seem like it was anything out of the ordinary. That Christmas break would be the last Christmas we would spend as a family and it def wasn't the most memorable. My mom was constantly busy...either at work, with my brother and I or outside with the animals. At the time I didn't really think anything of it, but looking back at it, it was clear she didn't want anything to do with my dad. They would have small talk between each other..bicker back and forth a little but nothing that should cause alarm.

When you think of marriage you think of forever. You don't think about not liking this person 20 years down the road after your wedding vows are said and done. You don't think about living with someone who you no longer think you know and has completely changed in front of your eyes.  When my mom finally told me they were seperating, "time literally stood still." I didn't know what to think.  You automatically wonder if you had a part in their decision...what was the final straw that broke the camels back?? I wasn't necessarily worried about what it would do to my family, as much as what it would do to my mom. She means the world to me and I never want to see her hurting. And when she told me that I hurt for her and I didn't know what else to do but write...


The tables are unfortunately turned
The relationship has been broken and slowly burned
You never thought that you would have to look out for your parents
They were so in love
They had so much life
You never could imagine your father leaving your mother
They sat that its only a seperation, but is that completely true?
Will they be able to mend their companionship...will they be able to renew...their vows?
The thought of them seperated, each living by themselves
How much can each of them take; will each of them stay well?
They say no to worry; they say that it will all be ok
But you can't help but to question; you can't help but wonder what may
You know that it's not your fault, but you still wonder what you could have done to help
What could you have done to change the outcome?
You just want things to be back to normal again
The house is so empty now; there is a piece of the puzzle missing
Will the pieces ever fall back together?
Or will all this be done and over with forever?
Who's fault was it rally; who made the final decision?
There is nothing you can do except support each parent in everything they do
To love them cherish them on their good days and especially when their days are blue
Be patient and pray...
And simply have faith that one day everything will be ok...

It seems like forever when they first seperated, but it's still aparent today. Especially when they come seperate to my games, when my dads not at the house when I come home and vise-a-versa, when they have to call each other to let them know what we're doing for dinner..and how we'll spend our holidays.


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