Monday, May 9, 2011

Every word means something...there is no filler!

I have a passion for writing and I honestly don't think I would be the person I am today without it. I don't want to say I have always been the shy type, but I was definitely one who didn't talk much. In some situations...yes...I was shy not sure of myself. But in other situations, like sports, I was never the shy one. I was never afraid to speak up and say what I had to say.

There are so many different personality types it's hard to define yourself to just one. You could be serious and quiet, kind and conscientious, quietly forceful and original, reflective and idealistic, independent and determined, logical with a creative mind, friendly-adaptive and action oriented, practical and traditional and people-oriented and fun loving. Or you could be someone who is warm-hearted and popular, enthusiastic and creative, passive and shy or you can be the assertive and outgoing type. I think that one point in my life I will be all of these if not more. I know that I have already experienced most of them if not all of them already in some way.

I don't think you can define yourself to one personality. You can't call someone shy just because they are quiet the first time you meant them or rude because they aren't automatically enthused when you come around. No one likes a lable. No one wants to be confined to one certain quality because that doesn't define who they really are. I find it really hard to believe someone can be loud and full of energy 24-7 all day every day. I just don't think it's possible. Having different personalities and qualities is what makes life interesting. It's what sets you apart from the next individual.

I know most athletes don't just want to be athletes. When we tell someone we're good at something else it's like they're shocked because they don't think we're capable of accomplishing anything more than throwing a football or catching a baseball or spiking a volleyball or kicking a soccer ball. We do have brains, and they actually work quite well. Sterotypes are demeaning. Everyone is different. Everyone looks different. Just because you aren't as smart as the next person or as tall as your neighbor or as fast as your teammate doesn't make you any less of a person.

You shouldn't try and change a person. I mean yes, there are certain habits that some people should kick, but when you are trying to change a persons character than I think there's something wrong with that. I am not outspoken and will probably never be. I am not one to express my feelings outloud very well. That's just not me. I hate getting up and talking in front of people and I get shy around big crowds where I don't know anyone. That is just me. And for someone to ask me to change change how I express almost an insult. Saying I am not good enough being who I am. I can't be who I am and have always have been.

I have always expressed myself through writing and have a passion for it and I know it comes out through my writing. It touches people. It just flows right out as if someone were saying it to me and I was just writing it down. It's second nature. I don't have to write about everything. There are certain situations where things have to be said. And I know when those are. I know when I have to speak up. But don't ask someone to change who they are. If you don't like that part of the person than don't be friends with them. Or deal with that part of them you don't like. Suggest they may handle things a little different with you. But don't change who they are. To you it may not be that important, but to may mean the world. It may not define who they are, but it's a big part of their life.

Accept it or leave it. Stay true to who yourself because there are very few people who will stay true to you!


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