Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day
I don't know where to begin.
You have been there for me; and will be there for me until the very end.
The things you know and the knowledge you grew.
I wish you only knew how much I appreciate everything you do.
I know we something argue and I know we sometimes fight.
But know from the bottom of my heart that I love you with all my might.

Happy Mother's Day
You kept me close; you kept me out of harms way.
Eventually yyou had to let me go; you knew that I was going to leave someday.
I know I'm growing and I know I'm getting old.
But all you have to do is call me and I will gladly come running home.
We will never truey be apart.
Becuase you an I will always have a piece of eachother's heart.

Happy Mother's Day
I thank you for all that yo've done throughout my life.
Youare always considerate; a kind and caring wife.
A mother you are and a other you will remain.
Just because I've moved out doesn't mean anything has to change.
I know I may not always share my care for you.
But please know that I truely do love you.

Happy Mother's Day
You deserve the best and you deserve nothing less.
I know things late have been challenging; a big ball of a mess.
But know that we will eventually get through this.
we just have to stick together and start by making  list.
So take my words and hold them tight.
And know that you will always be with me during the day and into the night.

I love you mom with all my heart and soul. I honestly don't know where I'd be if
you wouldn't have wanted to adopt 23 years ago. I couldn't have asked for a better
mom and role model. You're amazing and I love you!


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