Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Dr. Phil- Married Men Cheating

I occasionally watch Dr. Phil and today's topic was pretty interesting. It was a whole segment about women dating married men. I couldn't believe some of the things these women were saying. They didn't think they were in the wrong at all. Some of them even said if they had a husband and found out he was cheating, they would kill him and be completely devastated. One woman even said she left her husband for the married man she was dating yet...the married man she was dating was still married and wasn't planning on getting a divorce. How can you be ok with that? And then she continued to say the first time they "made love" was in the back of a car in a parking lot!!! Really? Girl that's not love. Open your eyes.

The only thing I'll give these women is that they didn't know the men were married at the very beginning. That's the ONLY thing. All of them found of within a few months that their men were married and they are STILL with them. That's ridiculous. If you wouldn't want that to happen to you and your family (if you had one) then why would you continue to see that married man? And half of them haven't even had sex with them at this point. So why are you staying? If you want a thrill then you need to go ride a rollercoaster or something. You're playing with someone's entire family. You are messing with another women's husband.

If your current marriage lacks that intimacy...you don't just go jumping into another man's arms. Either fix it or get divorced. Like who does that. These women are being so hypocritical when saying they would hate for that to happen to them, but don't see anything wrong with what they're doing. Why would you want to be the other women?? Aren't you degrading yourself...do you not know your true worth?? All these men are just telling you what you want to hear and some even saying that they'll leave their wives for them. But what happens a year or two down the road and nothing's changed...do you just continue to hope that he'll eventually leave her?

If you cannot be faithful and are looking(going on websites) to be unfaithful...the YOU SHOULDN'T BE MARRIED!! Their shouldn't be websites out there titled "Married Men Looking for Married Women" or "Married Men/Women looking for a affair." Why don't you just be single? Why would you want to ruin someone else's life? If you don't want to be connected to one person than you shouldn't be in a relationship. PERIOD. What ever happened to the law of being arrested for adultery? Why would you want to be called a mistress...that's not cute.

And this women had the nerve to say it's a man thing..it's a greedy thing..their missing something somewhere else..they want their cake and eat it too. Girl...what the hell are you doing?? You want the exact same thing. You want your cake and eat it too. You don't want to have an obligation to someone...you want to be free but get what you want at the same time. You don't have to clean after him, cook for him, do his laundry or hear him bicker. You basically can be single and be in a relationship at the same time without all the added duties/responsibilities.

One of the women was having her whole life basically paid for. She got a new apartment that was fully paid for by him ($2000), a new car, a monthly allowance ($2000) and when they were together he would pretty much buy her whatever she wanted. She said something like, "Why should I have to go home at night to this broken down old shack with nothing, when he is going home to a huge house and a home cooked meal?" Girl you a gold digger and you selling yourself for sex. She said that she doesn't consider herself a prostitute. Just because you aren't on a street corner with no clothes on doesn't mean you're not a hoe. If you weren't having sex with him he wouldn't be givin you all that money!

"Any married man who cheats is a worthless man," is what one of the girls Dr. Phil was interviewing said. If he's so worthless...than why are you with him? And what does that make you? I really don't think these women think before they speak because as the show when on they just kept on making themselves look worse and worse.

I just couldn't believe it, nor do I understand any of it. They just kept on making excuse after excuse. GET YOUR OWN MAN!

This will be continued because on the next episode some of the married women that got cheated will be on the show. Should be interesting!


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