Wednesday, April 27, 2011

How do you really know?

True love is something I can say I've experienced. And when you experience that for the first time you never think about losing that person or that love. You never think of it fading or going away completely. When you're in love you don't think about anyone or anything else. It's almost like you have blinders on to the world around you. You want every moment to be special. Every "I love you" to be meaningful. Every hello/goodbye kiss to be felt throughout your whole body. And for that person to know they mean the world to you and for you to be able to have that gift of showing them every day.

But what happens when that love is gone? Do you just let it go or hold on to hoping that one day it might come back? But how do you really know that was the right person for you?

They say you KNOW when you've found that one person you want to spend the rest of your life with...but what if that person doesn't work out. What if you just put your everything into that relationship and you were left with nothing. You thought you had your future husband/wife sitting right next to you. Your best friend. When you had everything you've ever wanted within your touch. What do you do then?

Some call it destiny. That specific person came into your life for a reason. To teach you some sort of lesson. To make you a better when the right person comes along you wont have much to figure it out. It will just be easy right? If the lesson is how to move on after having a broken doesn't seem like it was worth it all in the first place. I would never take back my first love, but it's hard sit here and say I would go through it all over again just to end up alone and with more pain than I could bare.

Suppose you to fall in love again. Suppose you have everything you've ever wanted again. And you correct the things you did wrong from your last relationship. You've learned and you've grown. But it still has the same result. Maybe your heart isn't broken or maybe it is...but you still end up alone. How many more times do you keep allowing someone into your life just to leave it? How long do you keep having faith in that one person being somewhere out there for you? How many times does it take to get things right?

When you finally do get into that meaningful relationship there a certain point where you start to question things? What if you start seeing patterns of your previous relationships...or you're doing some of the similar things you've done in the past. Do you end that relationship because you THINK  it's going to have the same outcome as the rest...Do yo save yourself from the heartache? How do you really know this man/women [Among all the rest] is the one you're supposed to be with? I know in my short life I've only come across a few men I could see myself with for the rest of my life. What if I chose the wrong ones to date? What if the one that was always there to pick up the pieces was really the one I was supposed to be with all along?

I know you can't go through life constantly saying "what-if" and running different scenarios in your head. It will drive you crazy. But sometimes you can't help but I with the right person? Do you go out seeking that person and almost force the issue or just let it happen no matter how long you have to wait? Waiting is ridiculously hard...but isn't love supposed to be worth the wait?! :-)

They say what's meant to be will be right...?


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