Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Who Gave you the Right...

I went home this past weekend for Easter weekend to see my family and friends.
But first, on Thursday I went out with my two roommates for one of their birthdays.
It was definitely a good time, but it was also annoying. This has happened to my
friends and I on more than one occasion, but this weekend it seemed to bug me
more than any other weekend.

It seems, whenever guys go out they think that can say and do whatever to get a
females attention. Well my friends...that is not ok!! It doesn't make any sense to me
and it kills me when I see it actually work. I understand that some are dressed more
scandales than other and some dance more provacative than other, but that doesn't
give you the right to treat me like someone standing on a street corner and yell at types
of crazy things at me to get my attention. I dont know what your intentions are, whether
you want my name, or number or to get to know me...yelling at me from the sidewalk,
out of a car door and pulling my arm as I walk by you in a club isn't the right way
to do it. If it annoys me I know it annoys other women.

Have some RESPECT! If I were interested in you than I would let you know.
But coming up to me and actin like that just gets on my nerves. I think it's a copout
to say were asking to be treated that way because of the way we dress or how
we dance. Granted, some girls go to the clubs just to come home with a guy.
And I don't expect a guy to pick and choose which ones those are, but most of the
time they are pretty evident. And please please please respect my space. You don't
have to get all in my space to tell me something. Because half the time you're not
that cute and your breath smells bad or like straight alcohol and I'm not trying
to deal with that.

And if I don't want to talk to you, don't make me repeat myself. Because than
you just start looking real desperate when I have to tell you to go away more
than one time. Just enjoy your night. If you dance with someone...great..if not...
it's not the end of the world. If you don't go home with someone's number it's
still not the end of the world. This goes for girls as well as guys! Throwing
yourself at someone is NOT cute! It just makes you look desperate and needy.
Act like a lady, and you'll be treated like one. Well...for the most of the time.

And this isn't meant to be just about me! I've seen it happen to just about all
of my friends and I know it happens to other women becuase I've seen it
before. I just don't get it. And it's almost like an everyday thing. It doesn't
just have to be at a club. It could be at a gas station, WalMart...haha or at
school! It's actually quite funny sometimes. I just want to be like really...
did you really think that was going to work?? Calling someone beaufiul
can only get you so far. I can call anyone that!

Find a NEW approach fellas!


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