Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Is ignorance really bliss?

I definitely believe that knowledge is power when it comes to anything
in life. I believe that people are more confident when they have all the
information and tools at their tips of their fingers. The more you know
the better. But can knowing everything be a curse at the same time?
Do we really need to know everything about everything or a little about
everything? But then there are those cases like relationships, that some
people don't think knowledge is power..and ignore is bliss..and the less
your partner knows the better. But is that really true? I think many men
believe that to be true, but for women (speaking for myself) I don't think
they would necessarily agree.

I would want to know about my man's past, no matter how bad. Afterall,
it is his past. As long as he's not doing those bad things in his future...what
can I hold against him? If he's upfront with everything...whether it be the things
he's proud of or the things he's not so proud of, you can't fault him for that.
I think it makes for a very trusting relationship with good communication
skills if each of you are willing to put all flaws out on the table. And it doesn't
even always have to be about the bad things. You should want to share all
your accomplishments as well, and you shouldn't feel jealousy towards that
person either for what they have done. You should be proud. Because starting
out a relationship with resentment would not end well.
I was stooping today (Sitting outside the aprt talking) with my girl Brandi
and we got to talking about motorcycles and how they are so dangerous.
We have both had someone we know pass away from a motocycle accident
and would never be able to get on a bike even if we were just riding on the
back. I mean...afterall...why would we want to do something that puts our
lives in danger? Then one of our friends came out and sat with us (Dro) and
had a different opinion about the situation. He too has had people (2) pass away
in his life from motorcycle accidents. But he says he would still ride one and
wanted to get one. He just wouldn't go super fast...he'd go the speed limit
and in my opinion just hope that nothing would happen.

I don't want to say I think that's ignorance, but I don't know what else to call
it. I can understand wanting a rush/thrill but go ride a rollercoaster or something.
You can be the safest driver on the planet, but that doesn't mean other
drivers aren't concerned with your safety. I get that we all want certain things in
life, but I just don't see how that could be one of them. To have your parents and
loved ones worry about you every day when you got on your bike isn't something
I would want them to go through. After having all the knowledge of the risks and
hazards of driving a motorcycle and still wanting one...I just don't get it.

Does having all the knowledge even make you more knowledge than the next person
if you don't use it??


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