Saturday, April 9, 2011

Same Sh*t, Different Day

The saying "same sh*t, different day" stands true when it comes to the Univeristy of South Alabama women's soccer team.  You would think after two horrible losing seasons, something would change...whether it's with the players or the coaching staff. Something has to happen. Each year, if you have a consistent number of girls quiting and transfering than you have a problem.

In this particular's definitely the coaching staff. The players can only do so much on the field to make things happen. Especially when they are playing in positions they don't normally play in, playing with people they don't normally play with and mesh with and when they're only getting a certain amount of minutes at a time. You think he would get the hint, that playing non-starters for a certain amount of time, and then putting in starters the last 10-15 minutes of the game and expect them to score doesn't work. You can't do that and just expect them to pull a win out their ass.

I get that you wanna keep your pride and stuff, but everyone is wrong at some point in their lives. No one is perfect. And I think if he would just consider people's suggestions and change some things than he would be a lot more respected. Don't tell your team that you have an open door policy and they can come talk to you whenever you want, when all you do is shut down everything we say. And if we have a question about playing time...ohh no...never that. It's like he has a routine of lines of what to say all the time. I just don't get it. How are you gunna be a coach and you have no idea how to communicate with your players? And how are you gunna give us the same pre-game, half time and post-game speech like none of us notice? Really...

I would say my fellow lady jags have a good chance at a better season, because they have won two games and did tie Alabama, but today was rough. And I feel like that's what always happens. We do well for a little while and the it just all goes downhill from there. Coach tries to change things up...make all the wrong subs and play the wrong players at the wrong time. That just kills everything.

Oh, he can say he doesn't have favorites all he wants, but he definitely does. And it was evident this weekend. One of his starting forwards and favorite players got in trouble over Spring Break for drinking (She's underage mind you) and had to go to court this past Thursday and missed practice. He ONLY punishment...missing the game Friday. That's it. When something like this happened two (I think) years ago, the girl got suspended from the team. Couldn't even come to practice. And she wasn't one of coach's favorite players. Talk about bias and unfair...shame.

And what really kills the end of the day...after all is said and done and the games are over...he still walks around like he hasn't done anything wrong. Like he doesn't have two losing season weighing on his shoulders. How can you do that? I would be ashamed. And after the games tryin to act all buddy-buddy with the parents to keep them satisfied...telling them everything they wanna hear. No...go somewhere with all the bs. You not foolin anybody. Their kids are STILL unhappy.

It's just a waste talking about him after every game because it's going to continue to be the same conversation every game.

Welp...Keep your head up lady jags!


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