Monday, June 6, 2011

Drake quote broken down!

Live without PRETENDING:

You should never have to pretend in life. You shouldn't have to
pretend to be someone you aren't. You shouldn't have to pretend
to like something you don't. You should live without having to
justify why you like what you do...why you believe in the things
that you do...and why you chose the friends that you have. If you're
 pretending to be someone you're not, than you might want to reevaluate
yourself as a person. That's not a real friendship if you're
pretending all the time. If you are worried about those people not
liking you, than they don't derserve to be in your world anyways.
They don't deserve your love and respect.

Love without DEPENDING:

You should NEVER depend on someone for love and you should
 NEVER depend on love to get you through a relationship.
 Sometimes, love just isn't enough. Sometimes love wont get you
through that heart breaking fight. Sometimes love wont get you
 through that heart wrenching lie. And sometimes, love just wont
 get you through that promise you were supposed to be keeping
all this time but find out it was just an empty promise. Like
 the old saying goes "You have to love yourself, before you can
love someone else." If you go out looking for someone to love
you for all the wrong reasons, than it's not going to work out.
And when you finally do find that unconditional love...don't depend
 on that love to keep everything going. Don't depend on that love
 to last a lifetime. It doesn't always last. It's not always good.
 Along with you, you also have to have trust and honesty and
compromise and patience.You have to have a life of your own,
but at the same time creating a new life with that other person. Love
 shouldn't be hard. It shouldn't cause anyone pain. It does take
work and compromise. But it should also be fun and exciting
 and always changing.

Listen without DEFENDING:

Listening is a tool that many people have yet to master. It's a
characteristicthat many individuals do not possess. Listening
 is hard to do, when you aren'tinterested in what that other person
 has to say. And it's hard when you don't agree with what
they have to say. And it's really hard not to jump the gun and
automatically defend the way you believe...what you think is right
...and what you want to say. When you are in an argument
with someone or when you're fighting with someone, it's especially
 hard to hold back. You want that personto hear your opinion.
 You want your voice to be heard. But yelling and defending don't
 always work. That doesn't always get your point across. Listening is
a two way street. You have to listen and the person you're talking
 to must listen. Because when both parties stop the
exact moment when both parties start defending.

Speak without OFFENDING:

This can be difficult when it comes to a very passionate peron.
Or with someone with strong beliefs. And especially when it
comes to religion and race. Some people are very easily
offended while others have very tough skin. When it comes to
strangers it's hard to determine which one they are. But among
your friends, you should know who you can speak to in a joking manner
and you should know who you can't joke with in certain situations.
There are ways to get your point across without offending someone else.
Everyone isn't going to believe the same thing. Everyone isn't going to
standfor the same things you stand for. It's just not going to happen. 
You just have to speak with respect. (I mean unless they are just
being rude because I know sometimes it's hard to keep your cool).
It's hard to be the bigger person in every situation, but if
you're getting your point across in a respectful manner than others
will follow your lead.



It's hard to have Sympathy...

It's hard to have sympathy for someone who wants a change in their life, but you don't really see them doing anything about it. Especially when it comes to someone's weight. I guess it's hard for me to relate to someone that is overweight because I've never been in that position. I have always been active and athletic. So when I hear someone complain complain about their weight it honestly goes through one ear and out the other...unless they are really serious about being proactive and actually want to change.

I'm not saying that everyone needs to be as skinny as my or a size 9 for that matter. You can be a big as you please but don't complain about your weight and how uncomfortable you are and not be willing to eat better and exercise. I'm not trying to hear that. As long as you're comfortable in the skin you're in, I'm happy for you. But when I hear that you're out every night, drinking more beer than all the guys and eating for two day in and day out and NOT exercising what-so-ever...I have absolutely no sympathy for you. You are doing that to yourself.

You can always do what everyone else is doing. What works for one person doesn't mean it's going to work for everyone else. And that goes for a lot of things, not just weight. Studying for example..some students don't have to study at all. If they show up to class and take notes then they are good to go. make take a few hours to process and memorize all that information. Everyone is different; physically and emotionally...spiritually and mentally. Luckily I have been blessed to be able to eat what I want, when I want and still maintain a healthy weight. But I also EXERCISE on a daily basis (well..not so much anymore! lol). But that works for me and and I do what works for ME!!

I'm not saying that you have to go around eating lettuce and carrots the rest of your life. That's just unrealistic and probably very stupid. But exercise and eating BETTER goes a long way when it comes to weight loss. Again...I'm not saying anyone needs to lose weight and be a size 2. It would be nice if some individuals could get down to a HEALTHY weight. The world was meant to be different. Everyone isn't supposed to be the same size. Everyone isn't supposed to look the same. Everyone isn't supposed to act the same. But I do feel like everyone should be healthy. Including myself...because lord knows I have no sense of nutrition in my diet.

If you're trying to make a change in your life, then the more power to you. I will support you and go workout with whatever we have to do. But until you're ready to actually DO something about it...I don't want to hear anything. I don't want to hear how uncomfortable you are. I don't want to hear you say something about someone else to make yourself feel better. And I especially don't want to hear you say you can't get a boyfriend because of your weight! Because that's not true. It's everything else about yourself that a guy doesn't like. If they like your personalty, than everything else will fall into place.

This goes for everything and everyone in life. Including myself. I know there have been a few things I've wanted to changed but never put forth the effort or used the correct steps to change those things. It's almos like the "boy who cried wolf" if you think about it. He lied and lied time and again about seeing the wolf and made people come and help him thinking he was hurt. And when he actually did get hurt...and cried out for help...everyone was over it and didn't believe him anymore. There are only so many times I'll believe you want and are going to change before there just isn't any reaso for listening. There's not point.

I understand that everyone's body is different. I get that some people are just naturally bigger boned. And I get that it's harder for some people to lose weight than others. But that's life. Everyone isn't blessed in the same way. Other's have to work harder at learning things or different struggles they go through every day. No one is saying you can't complain and you can't feel discouraged. But just make sure you are being proactive about your actions :-) That's all.


Saturday, June 4, 2011

Do "real" really recognize "real?"

I want to say yes, but in my experience and the experiences of many of my friends...that doesn't happen. And in many cases "real" don't recognize "fake" either. It almost seems like a game to me. A game of pride and loyalty. And maybe even trust when it comes to some people. If someone will stick by your side, stay loyal to you and agree with everything you say...or disagree but have a valid point..than that person is real. Not much. What if they're just pretending? What if they just try and act like you so they can get close to
you and your friends? What are you going to tell if they are actually being "real?"

These days it's hard to recognize "real" or "fake" in anyone. It almost seems like people are just going around trying to please everyone else. Putting on a facade and a fake face to get what they want or where they want to be. Someone who is "real" can be recognized through their actions. An individual can talk a big game all
they want. They can tweet they are real all day every day and how they keep it 100 24/7 but that doesn't mean anything. When it comes down to it, are they actually being "real" in person? It seems that people are definitely two-faced. Not in termsof acting one way around a certain group of people and acting a different way around another. But rather acting/saying on thing through social media and a totally different way in person.

Saying something over and over again isn't going to make it come true. It doesn't make something right. Your word is your honor. If you can't stick to your word that what are you standing for? Quoting rappers and singers doesn't make you any betterthan anyone else. Good for listened to a song and wrote it down. But what now? Is everyone supposed to just believe what you're writing? Those aren't even your words. Those aren't coming from your heart or mind. They are fabricated thoughts that you think people want to hear.

People who say they never talk behind any one's back or gossip are kidding themselves. Every one's done it and I don't think it will ever go away. Doesn't make you a bad person. You may simply just be telling a story about someone without them being there. That's talking about someone. You shouldn't be hypocritical or judgemental. That's not being real. You can stay true to who you are without putting someone else down. You don't have to agree with that person, but you also don't have to make them feel bad about what they believe in. There are many different definitions of someone who is "real" and someone who is "fake." You may fit both categories. Who's to say that's wrong. No one is perfect.

It just seems like for the most part...the people who have to publicly say they are "real"and always stay true to who they are and don't ever change...are the very people are actually "aren't!!" Don't practice something you don't preach!! It's not cute and people won't take you seriously. Show people through your actions who you really are. Not only your words.

 I don't think "real recognize real" is a very good statement in itself. Basically it's saying you acknowledge people who have similar traits as you do...someone who is like you. Justbecause someone doesn't possess every quality as you have doesn't mean they are any less of a person or someone who is "fake." It's actually probably a good thing. It would be weirdif everyone in this world was the same. BORING! It doesn't mean you have to become best friends with that person...or trust that person with valuable information...but it also doesn'tgive you the right to judge them and give them a yourself may not even deserve!


Thursday, June 2, 2011

Death with Dignity...

Do you believe in it?
Do you believe that a person has the right to determine when they should end their life?
Do you believe that someone who is physically suffering should be able to end that suffering on their own terms?

I am indifferent when it comes to answering those questions. Of course I'm not talking about suicide. I don't think anyone should ever commit suicide. I personally, think there are other ways besides suicide to fix your problems. I am talking about if someone has a terminal illness or if someone has been diagnosed with cancer. If they think or know they are going to die, should they have the right to determine when that time is? Personally, I would say yes and no.

I would never want someone I care about have to suffer in any way...emotionally and especially physically. It would be like I was feeling their pain as well. It would be awful to sit there and watch them cry and just be miserable. Yearning for anything to take their pain away, even if it's just for a few minutes. But what if you can't imagine your life without that person? What if it's your significant other that you have been married to for 20, 30 or 60 years? What if it's a parent that you can't just let go? Or a sibling that you haven't gone a day without talking to your whole lives?

At this point are you just being selfish? Is it selfish to want to spend as much time as possible with the one person you love most in this world. Is it selfish to make that person continue to suffer just so you can spend more time with them. So you can kiss them good morning and goodnight a few more times. So you can take a few more pictures that will last you a lifetime. So you can tell them how much you mean to them and "I love you" one more time. To look into their eyes like you have all those years before so you can remember eyelash and the exact color of their eyes just like the day you met. Is that being selfish?

It's hard to say you would agree with this until you were put in this situation. It's hard to say you'll do anything until you're forced to act upon those feelings. But I would respect someone's wishes if someone I cared about wanted to die with dignity. As much as it would hurt to let them go...I think I would respect that...or at least understand. Letting go is probably one of the hardest things to do.

I would want to remember that person as who I've always known them to be. Who they were before they became sick. And I think that's one of the main reason's of "death with dignity." Individuals don't want to be remembered for their last days laying in a hospital dire pain...maybe losing their hair...their memory or their sight. They want to be remembered as being full of life with that sparkle still in their eye.

Is that so much to ask?

I don't think it is, but then again I have never been in that situation before. But I can tell you this...I would want every single moment I could with that person. And I would cherish each moment like it was going to be my last. I wouldn't stop saying "I love you" and I would kiss then every chance I had. I would also cry everytime I knew they were in pain. I would hurt every time they hurt. And laugh every time they laughed. But most of all...I would want them to be comforable. I wouldn't want them to be in any pain. And with that..I would have to agree with "death with dignity."


Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Happily ever after...

...sets us up for a false sense of love.

Movies, story books and even magazines all tell a different story that reality. They tell a fictional story of what love is. Many of the story books are meant for a younger generation, but as you grow up, movies continue to paint the same picture. They continue to paint a picture of pure bliss, and endless love with no fighting and complete happiness. Almost like a never ending honeymoon. And that's just not what reality is like.

Of course there are those relationships that are better than others...with less fights..more sex..and just an all around comfortable life. But even with those relationships you have your hard times. There isn't a single relationship out there that doesn't have some controversy in it. There is going to be a compromise somewhere along the line. There is going to be a disagreement here and there.

As we grow up we, we start to become less naieve...for the most part. We start to realize everything isn't flowers and butterflies. Everything isn't sunshine and a clear blue sky. For the most part...we start to realize that love doesn't always have a happy ending and fairy tales aren't always true. But at the same time, it's hard to not imagine and believe you wont have a happy ending. I mean, who's to say you wont. Who's to say you wont find your knight and shining armor and fall madly in love with him. That could definitely happen. It happens every day. But I don't necessarily agree with the happily ever after part.

I find it hard to believe there are two people out there that wont ever disagree on anything. Who will take each other as they are with all their flaws and accomplishments just as they are. Again, that's not to say there isn't someone like that out there, but I don't know anyone like that. All these movies are putting false images in people's minds. Something that isn't realisitc. Something that an individual might not be able to obtain. Making it hard for them to just accept love as it is. With all it's complications and arguments and flaws and compromises and happy, unexpected moments.

When you try and force something that isn't meant to be or isn't meant to happen at that time then you are just making things worse for yourself. You can't force someone to love you. You can try to have that happily ever after and avoid arguments and fights but that will all back fire in the end. You can aim to please all you want, but that will only get you so far.

Of course there is head-over-heels passionate love out there. It happens every day. You just have to have a realistic outlook on life. You can't go around thinking life is a fairly tale. Everyone deserves to find their prince charming or their beautiful princess...but that always doesn't end up that way. Being open-minded is definitely key. Because that way, there isn't to much room for disappointment.


What if it really was Judgement Day?

I know that many people did not take the so-called "Judgement Day" seriously, but if you really thought about it...would you be satisfied with your life if the world had really ended? Would you be ok with leaving the Earth with the life you have lived up until that moment? I have mixed emotions on whether not I would be ok and content with how I would leave my life on Earth.

Many people just go about their lives day by day, not thinking about anything but work and bills and family if they have one. Those aren't bad things to think about, but those shouldn't be the only things we think about constantly. Life is about more than that. So many times you see individuals settle once they get in a relationship or start a family. They put their dreams and goals on hold in order to help others. Which is being really kind and unselfish...but where does that you leave you at the end of the day when they have accomplished everything they've wanted to do in life?

For the most part, people don't stop and smell the roses. People don't take the time to appreciate what they have and how blessed they truely are. To give give actually live a meaningful life. There are of course different variations of a meaningful life..some people are just happy to get by in life and others are satisfied until they have reached the top. It all depends on you. But why is it that we don't appreciate something until it's gone? Why is it that we wait until it's to late to say everything that you've wanted to say.

When it comes to love, why do we wait til it's over to express how we REALLY much we REALLY loved that person. Why do we get so emotional if all along they supposedly knew how much we actually loved them. Shouldn't there be a sense of security...a sense of comfort in knowing you did everything you could to show them you loved them before that relationship ended??

What about family members. I think we sometimes forget how important family is sometimes...until they are no longer there. Then you start to regret not saying "I love you" everything you got off the phone...or calling them more than once a month just to see hwo they're doing...or arguing over something pointless and not speaking to them for years. Family is there through thick and thin and they should know without question how you felt about them. When someone passes away, you should be at peace. You should have the confidence in knowing they knew how much they were loved. How much they were adored. How much they were cherished.

It's hard to just tell someone to go do something that scares them once a week...or travel to a place they could only dream of...or create a bucket list of things they've always wanted to do but never pushed themselves to do. It's not very practical for many people's lives. But you can spice up your life within your means. You can give more selfless...plant a tree...recycle...stick a promise and stand by your word...appreciate the people that you love and those who love you in your life. Do the simple things. :-)

If it really were "Judgement Day"...would you be satisfied with your life?!?