Wednesday, June 1, 2011

What if it really was Judgement Day?

I know that many people did not take the so-called "Judgement Day" seriously, but if you really thought about it...would you be satisfied with your life if the world had really ended? Would you be ok with leaving the Earth with the life you have lived up until that moment? I have mixed emotions on whether not I would be ok and content with how I would leave my life on Earth.

Many people just go about their lives day by day, not thinking about anything but work and bills and family if they have one. Those aren't bad things to think about, but those shouldn't be the only things we think about constantly. Life is about more than that. So many times you see individuals settle once they get in a relationship or start a family. They put their dreams and goals on hold in order to help others. Which is being really kind and unselfish...but where does that you leave you at the end of the day when they have accomplished everything they've wanted to do in life?

For the most part, people don't stop and smell the roses. People don't take the time to appreciate what they have and how blessed they truely are. To give give actually live a meaningful life. There are of course different variations of a meaningful life..some people are just happy to get by in life and others are satisfied until they have reached the top. It all depends on you. But why is it that we don't appreciate something until it's gone? Why is it that we wait until it's to late to say everything that you've wanted to say.

When it comes to love, why do we wait til it's over to express how we REALLY much we REALLY loved that person. Why do we get so emotional if all along they supposedly knew how much we actually loved them. Shouldn't there be a sense of security...a sense of comfort in knowing you did everything you could to show them you loved them before that relationship ended??

What about family members. I think we sometimes forget how important family is sometimes...until they are no longer there. Then you start to regret not saying "I love you" everything you got off the phone...or calling them more than once a month just to see hwo they're doing...or arguing over something pointless and not speaking to them for years. Family is there through thick and thin and they should know without question how you felt about them. When someone passes away, you should be at peace. You should have the confidence in knowing they knew how much they were loved. How much they were adored. How much they were cherished.

It's hard to just tell someone to go do something that scares them once a week...or travel to a place they could only dream of...or create a bucket list of things they've always wanted to do but never pushed themselves to do. It's not very practical for many people's lives. But you can spice up your life within your means. You can give more selfless...plant a tree...recycle...stick a promise and stand by your word...appreciate the people that you love and those who love you in your life. Do the simple things. :-)

If it really were "Judgement Day"...would you be satisfied with your life?!?


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