Monday, June 6, 2011

It's hard to have Sympathy...

It's hard to have sympathy for someone who wants a change in their life, but you don't really see them doing anything about it. Especially when it comes to someone's weight. I guess it's hard for me to relate to someone that is overweight because I've never been in that position. I have always been active and athletic. So when I hear someone complain complain about their weight it honestly goes through one ear and out the other...unless they are really serious about being proactive and actually want to change.

I'm not saying that everyone needs to be as skinny as my or a size 9 for that matter. You can be a big as you please but don't complain about your weight and how uncomfortable you are and not be willing to eat better and exercise. I'm not trying to hear that. As long as you're comfortable in the skin you're in, I'm happy for you. But when I hear that you're out every night, drinking more beer than all the guys and eating for two day in and day out and NOT exercising what-so-ever...I have absolutely no sympathy for you. You are doing that to yourself.

You can always do what everyone else is doing. What works for one person doesn't mean it's going to work for everyone else. And that goes for a lot of things, not just weight. Studying for example..some students don't have to study at all. If they show up to class and take notes then they are good to go. make take a few hours to process and memorize all that information. Everyone is different; physically and emotionally...spiritually and mentally. Luckily I have been blessed to be able to eat what I want, when I want and still maintain a healthy weight. But I also EXERCISE on a daily basis (well..not so much anymore! lol). But that works for me and and I do what works for ME!!

I'm not saying that you have to go around eating lettuce and carrots the rest of your life. That's just unrealistic and probably very stupid. But exercise and eating BETTER goes a long way when it comes to weight loss. Again...I'm not saying anyone needs to lose weight and be a size 2. It would be nice if some individuals could get down to a HEALTHY weight. The world was meant to be different. Everyone isn't supposed to be the same size. Everyone isn't supposed to look the same. Everyone isn't supposed to act the same. But I do feel like everyone should be healthy. Including myself...because lord knows I have no sense of nutrition in my diet.

If you're trying to make a change in your life, then the more power to you. I will support you and go workout with whatever we have to do. But until you're ready to actually DO something about it...I don't want to hear anything. I don't want to hear how uncomfortable you are. I don't want to hear you say something about someone else to make yourself feel better. And I especially don't want to hear you say you can't get a boyfriend because of your weight! Because that's not true. It's everything else about yourself that a guy doesn't like. If they like your personalty, than everything else will fall into place.

This goes for everything and everyone in life. Including myself. I know there have been a few things I've wanted to changed but never put forth the effort or used the correct steps to change those things. It's almos like the "boy who cried wolf" if you think about it. He lied and lied time and again about seeing the wolf and made people come and help him thinking he was hurt. And when he actually did get hurt...and cried out for help...everyone was over it and didn't believe him anymore. There are only so many times I'll believe you want and are going to change before there just isn't any reaso for listening. There's not point.

I understand that everyone's body is different. I get that some people are just naturally bigger boned. And I get that it's harder for some people to lose weight than others. But that's life. Everyone isn't blessed in the same way. Other's have to work harder at learning things or different struggles they go through every day. No one is saying you can't complain and you can't feel discouraged. But just make sure you are being proactive about your actions :-) That's all.


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