Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Happily ever after...

...sets us up for a false sense of love.

Movies, story books and even magazines all tell a different story that reality. They tell a fictional story of what love is. Many of the story books are meant for a younger generation, but as you grow up, movies continue to paint the same picture. They continue to paint a picture of pure bliss, and endless love with no fighting and complete happiness. Almost like a never ending honeymoon. And that's just not what reality is like.

Of course there are those relationships that are better than others...with less fights..more sex..and just an all around comfortable life. But even with those relationships you have your hard times. There isn't a single relationship out there that doesn't have some controversy in it. There is going to be a compromise somewhere along the line. There is going to be a disagreement here and there.

As we grow up we, we start to become less naieve...for the most part. We start to realize everything isn't flowers and butterflies. Everything isn't sunshine and a clear blue sky. For the most part...we start to realize that love doesn't always have a happy ending and fairy tales aren't always true. But at the same time, it's hard to not imagine and believe you wont have a happy ending. I mean, who's to say you wont. Who's to say you wont find your knight and shining armor and fall madly in love with him. That could definitely happen. It happens every day. But I don't necessarily agree with the happily ever after part.

I find it hard to believe there are two people out there that wont ever disagree on anything. Who will take each other as they are with all their flaws and accomplishments just as they are. Again, that's not to say there isn't someone like that out there, but I don't know anyone like that. All these movies are putting false images in people's minds. Something that isn't realisitc. Something that an individual might not be able to obtain. Making it hard for them to just accept love as it is. With all it's complications and arguments and flaws and compromises and happy, unexpected moments.

When you try and force something that isn't meant to be or isn't meant to happen at that time then you are just making things worse for yourself. You can't force someone to love you. You can try to have that happily ever after and avoid arguments and fights but that will all back fire in the end. You can aim to please all you want, but that will only get you so far.

Of course there is head-over-heels passionate love out there. It happens every day. You just have to have a realistic outlook on life. You can't go around thinking life is a fairly tale. Everyone deserves to find their prince charming or their beautiful princess...but that always doesn't end up that way. Being open-minded is definitely key. Because that way, there isn't to much room for disappointment.


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