Monday, June 6, 2011

Drake quote broken down!

Live without PRETENDING:

You should never have to pretend in life. You shouldn't have to
pretend to be someone you aren't. You shouldn't have to pretend
to like something you don't. You should live without having to
justify why you like what you do...why you believe in the things
that you do...and why you chose the friends that you have. If you're
 pretending to be someone you're not, than you might want to reevaluate
yourself as a person. That's not a real friendship if you're
pretending all the time. If you are worried about those people not
liking you, than they don't derserve to be in your world anyways.
They don't deserve your love and respect.

Love without DEPENDING:

You should NEVER depend on someone for love and you should
 NEVER depend on love to get you through a relationship.
 Sometimes, love just isn't enough. Sometimes love wont get you
through that heart breaking fight. Sometimes love wont get you
 through that heart wrenching lie. And sometimes, love just wont
 get you through that promise you were supposed to be keeping
all this time but find out it was just an empty promise. Like
 the old saying goes "You have to love yourself, before you can
love someone else." If you go out looking for someone to love
you for all the wrong reasons, than it's not going to work out.
And when you finally do find that unconditional love...don't depend
 on that love to keep everything going. Don't depend on that love
 to last a lifetime. It doesn't always last. It's not always good.
 Along with you, you also have to have trust and honesty and
compromise and patience.You have to have a life of your own,
but at the same time creating a new life with that other person. Love
 shouldn't be hard. It shouldn't cause anyone pain. It does take
work and compromise. But it should also be fun and exciting
 and always changing.

Listen without DEFENDING:

Listening is a tool that many people have yet to master. It's a
characteristicthat many individuals do not possess. Listening
 is hard to do, when you aren'tinterested in what that other person
 has to say. And it's hard when you don't agree with what
they have to say. And it's really hard not to jump the gun and
automatically defend the way you believe...what you think is right
...and what you want to say. When you are in an argument
with someone or when you're fighting with someone, it's especially
 hard to hold back. You want that personto hear your opinion.
 You want your voice to be heard. But yelling and defending don't
 always work. That doesn't always get your point across. Listening is
a two way street. You have to listen and the person you're talking
 to must listen. Because when both parties stop the
exact moment when both parties start defending.

Speak without OFFENDING:

This can be difficult when it comes to a very passionate peron.
Or with someone with strong beliefs. And especially when it
comes to religion and race. Some people are very easily
offended while others have very tough skin. When it comes to
strangers it's hard to determine which one they are. But among
your friends, you should know who you can speak to in a joking manner
and you should know who you can't joke with in certain situations.
There are ways to get your point across without offending someone else.
Everyone isn't going to believe the same thing. Everyone isn't going to
standfor the same things you stand for. It's just not going to happen. 
You just have to speak with respect. (I mean unless they are just
being rude because I know sometimes it's hard to keep your cool).
It's hard to be the bigger person in every situation, but if
you're getting your point across in a respectful manner than others
will follow your lead.



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