Sunday, July 10, 2011

There are 3 things...

...You can never recover:

The Word- After it's said

You can always say you are sorry and you can always say you did not mean to say something. You meant to say something else. That is not what you meant to say. But at the end of the day, you said those words. At one point, even if it was for a second, you believed in what you said. You thought about it before you said it. Maybe you did not intend for those words to be hurtful, or maybe those words just did not make sense. But you have said them.

The Occassion- After it's missed

Why is it that we often times do not care about something until it is gone? Or wait until the last minute to do something, and by the time you get around to doing whatever it was you had to do, it is to late. You have missed a perfectly good opprotunity. Maybe it was the chance to land a dream job. Or just turning in an assignment that you could havegotten extra credit on. Why is it that after you have the opprotunity to do something, is when we really want to start caring and reacting. Why can't we just do it from the beginning?

The Time- After it's gone

A lot of time, I think this applies to love. Or something you supposedly really care about in life in general. It seems that most of the time we go through life numb to the things around us. We do not really comprehend what is going on. Especially when we get into a routine. Like with school. You have class every day at the same times, and eat at the same times, and have practice at the same time. Or when you get into a long relationship with someone, it is almost like things become mundane. Very repetitive. Until something starts to go wrong. Maybe you get in a fight, maybe you finally realize you are failing a class, or maybe your boss says your job is at stake. It isn't until then, that you start changing your ways. When your loved one threatens to leave you only then do you start trying to prove your love to them. When your teacher says you are failing their class, only then do you start worrying and asking for extra credit and things you can start to do different.

By that time it is to late. Why would you wait so long to show someone you care. To show someone you care about your grade? Because by the time you start caring, it is to late. The time has passed and you can't get that back. You can't rewind time. There are no redues in life. Yes, there are second chances in life. But everyone does not always get one. Sometimes that chapter has already been shut.


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