Tuesday, July 19, 2011

What is your destiny?

The definition of destiny is:
1. The inevitable or necessary fate to which a particular person or thing is destined.
2. The events that will necessarily happen to a particular person or thing in the future.
3. The hidden power believed to control what will happen in the future; fate.

All these definitions are similar and relate to one another in some sort of way. I think one of the most accurate definitions is the third one because it contains the word "hidden and believe." I do think that someone can plan out their future...to a certain extent. But you can only plan so much. Everything isn't within your grasp. You can't determine every little aspect of your life. I'm sure that we would all love to know what we'll be doing in 10 years...to know we have a family, a secure job that you love and living in a place you've always wanted to live. But then I feel like that leaves nothing to the imagination. There is no longer any mystery left. If you know where you're going to end up, what would be the point of working hard for anything.

Personally, I would like to know what I'll be doing in 10 years..maybe even 5. Whether or not pursing soccer is the right direction, or finding something in my field that I would love to do. How are you supposed to know you're headed in the right direction? That you're taking the right path and doing the right thing. But then that takes out the thrill of wanting to succeed and the fear of not accomplishing what you want. It can definitely be nerve wrecking not knowing what your future holds. Some just want to have a secure and reliable job...others want to make the most money as possible...others want to be professional athletes...while others just want to focus on their families.

Everyone is destined for something different. I think this can also pertain to love. Especially if you have had your heart broken before. When you have never been in love I think you are more receptive to go all in with the relationship without hesitation. You want that love and affection and that happy ending. You also want that after you've been through a breakup, but I definitely think you're more cautious with the next person you get in a relationship with. Who you open up with and confide in.

I think that knowing our destiny and our future would make life decisions that much easy. But I also think it would make things less fun. I don't think you would be able to fully appreciate the romance and the adventure. The thrill of every day's challenges and lessons. It just wouldn't be the same. You learn things by doing things. But what if you skipped out on those opportunities? Then you wouldn't the same person you are today. Who you're supposed to be!

So if I had to pick between knowing my destiny or not, I don't think I would want to. I think that would completely alter my life.The people who I might met. Who might have a lasting impression on my life.Going through the ups and downs is all apart of life. It makes you who you are! 


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