Sunday, July 17, 2011

Success is contagious!

When someone is doing well, you can't help but want to succeed as well. But what about when the people you're supporting aren't doing so well? What about when they aren't in the lime light anymore? Will you still stick by their side? I know that I would and I have. Three weeks from now when the World Cup is nonexistent in every one's mind, I'll still be thinking about the USWNT and how much they have accomplished. I'll always cheer for them, even though they didn't win the goal.

For most of the World Cup, I thought a lot of people were just watching because it was such an inspiration to watch. It was good soccer. Those women left their blood, sweat and tears on the field. They never doubted themselves and didn't care what anyone else thought. They knew what they were capable of and they tried to accomplish it.

But as soon as that final PK was taken, I think they lost a lot of their followers. I think a lot of them were watching just so they could say they witness the US win gold. But as soon as we lost, you could just sense all the bad mouthing coming. And it sure did come. US women chocked...I can't believe they got to the finals and lost...I'm not following them anymore. Typical. My favorite is, "that's why I never watch soccer in the first place." Just because you don't like soccer, don't understand it or can't relate to it, doesn't mean you have to talk bad about it. I don't go around saying your sport is stupid.

I wouldn't change being a soccer player or a soccer fan for anything. I love it and it's my passion. I've been around it all my life. Yeah, they may not have won gold, but that doesn't make them a bad team. Japan is a very good team. And they were just the better team today. They accomplished a lot this World Cup. They haven't made it to the World Cup finals in 12 years. I will still support them for years to come. I don't think they chocked. Some players should have been on instead of others. Some were better at taking PK's than others. Some players were hurt that probably should have been playing. But everything doesn't always fall into place. Everything doesn't always go your way. But that's life.

And that's why I like USWNT so much. Because they adapt to what is put in front of them. They face it head on. And I think with that mentality, you will always be successful!

Just because you're not being successful or doing something that others will look up to at the moment doesn't mean you can't be happy for someone else. Don't dim their light to try and make yours shine. Just be happy for them.


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