Saturday, June 4, 2011

Do "real" really recognize "real?"

I want to say yes, but in my experience and the experiences of many of my friends...that doesn't happen. And in many cases "real" don't recognize "fake" either. It almost seems like a game to me. A game of pride and loyalty. And maybe even trust when it comes to some people. If someone will stick by your side, stay loyal to you and agree with everything you say...or disagree but have a valid point..than that person is real. Not much. What if they're just pretending? What if they just try and act like you so they can get close to
you and your friends? What are you going to tell if they are actually being "real?"

These days it's hard to recognize "real" or "fake" in anyone. It almost seems like people are just going around trying to please everyone else. Putting on a facade and a fake face to get what they want or where they want to be. Someone who is "real" can be recognized through their actions. An individual can talk a big game all
they want. They can tweet they are real all day every day and how they keep it 100 24/7 but that doesn't mean anything. When it comes down to it, are they actually being "real" in person? It seems that people are definitely two-faced. Not in termsof acting one way around a certain group of people and acting a different way around another. But rather acting/saying on thing through social media and a totally different way in person.

Saying something over and over again isn't going to make it come true. It doesn't make something right. Your word is your honor. If you can't stick to your word that what are you standing for? Quoting rappers and singers doesn't make you any betterthan anyone else. Good for listened to a song and wrote it down. But what now? Is everyone supposed to just believe what you're writing? Those aren't even your words. Those aren't coming from your heart or mind. They are fabricated thoughts that you think people want to hear.

People who say they never talk behind any one's back or gossip are kidding themselves. Every one's done it and I don't think it will ever go away. Doesn't make you a bad person. You may simply just be telling a story about someone without them being there. That's talking about someone. You shouldn't be hypocritical or judgemental. That's not being real. You can stay true to who you are without putting someone else down. You don't have to agree with that person, but you also don't have to make them feel bad about what they believe in. There are many different definitions of someone who is "real" and someone who is "fake." You may fit both categories. Who's to say that's wrong. No one is perfect.

It just seems like for the most part...the people who have to publicly say they are "real"and always stay true to who they are and don't ever change...are the very people are actually "aren't!!" Don't practice something you don't preach!! It's not cute and people won't take you seriously. Show people through your actions who you really are. Not only your words.

 I don't think "real recognize real" is a very good statement in itself. Basically it's saying you acknowledge people who have similar traits as you do...someone who is like you. Justbecause someone doesn't possess every quality as you have doesn't mean they are any less of a person or someone who is "fake." It's actually probably a good thing. It would be weirdif everyone in this world was the same. BORING! It doesn't mean you have to become best friends with that person...or trust that person with valuable information...but it also doesn'tgive you the right to judge them and give them a yourself may not even deserve!


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