Sunday, July 31, 2011

My most recent poem!

"Each and Every Day"

-My mama told me everything will be ok
-She said, "Just wait six months and the pain will start to go away
-Have faith in what I taught you
-Don't ever let anyone make you feel like a lesser you
-Hold on to my hand and let me be your strength now
-I know it take some time and I know it wont be easy
-Let out all the fear, sorrow and shed as many tears; let all your pain show
-It will all get better in time just trust that time heals all and believe in what I know

-Each and every day is a struggle to get by
-A pain I've never felt before; one my heart cannot deny
-Mama said, "Baby you can't just stay in hiding within the covers of your bed"
-You can't let this boy cripple your heart and get in your head
-You can't change the past; you can't change what's already been done
-You must get back on your feet; remain strong and one...
with who you were before
-I am all alone with pain that unbearable; one that I've never known
-Feelings that I hide from everyone; ones that can never be shown
-A feeling like I've lost a part of who I used to be
-He stole something from me; something I hope to regain and set myself free
-I'm a fraction of who I used to be
-Love came and knocked the breath out of me

-At the end of the day
-I have no one to come take my pain away
-I'll dream of you tonight
-Hoping by morning everything will miraculously be alright
-But when that sun slowly makes its way up
-I just keep my eyes wired shut
-The only thing that's between me and the world is my bedroom door
-Not making a single movement; especially not my feet hitting the floor
-I lay here under the covers with tears coming from my eyes
-Wondering how we got to the point and why we started saying goodbye
-I lay here and remember
-What happened in those days before
-Paralyzed with sadness; not wanting to do anything
-But wonder what happened to the one I used to adore
-Each and every day I try to take back a piece of me I've lost
-Picking up the pieces and putting them back together no matter what the cost
-Each and every day I try and sober up my mind
-To clear my head and ponder what he left behind
-But today...
-Today I'll brush my teeth, start my day and wash my face
-Scrubbing the pain off from yesterday's race
-And today...
-Today my mind is sober and strong
-The way it should have been from the beginning and all along


Tuesday, July 19, 2011

What is your destiny?

The definition of destiny is:
1. The inevitable or necessary fate to which a particular person or thing is destined.
2. The events that will necessarily happen to a particular person or thing in the future.
3. The hidden power believed to control what will happen in the future; fate.

All these definitions are similar and relate to one another in some sort of way. I think one of the most accurate definitions is the third one because it contains the word "hidden and believe." I do think that someone can plan out their a certain extent. But you can only plan so much. Everything isn't within your grasp. You can't determine every little aspect of your life. I'm sure that we would all love to know what we'll be doing in 10 know we have a family, a secure job that you love and living in a place you've always wanted to live. But then I feel like that leaves nothing to the imagination. There is no longer any mystery left. If you know where you're going to end up, what would be the point of working hard for anything.

Personally, I would like to know what I'll be doing in 10 years..maybe even 5. Whether or not pursing soccer is the right direction, or finding something in my field that I would love to do. How are you supposed to know you're headed in the right direction? That you're taking the right path and doing the right thing. But then that takes out the thrill of wanting to succeed and the fear of not accomplishing what you want. It can definitely be nerve wrecking not knowing what your future holds. Some just want to have a secure and reliable job...others want to make the most money as possible...others want to be professional athletes...while others just want to focus on their families.

Everyone is destined for something different. I think this can also pertain to love. Especially if you have had your heart broken before. When you have never been in love I think you are more receptive to go all in with the relationship without hesitation. You want that love and affection and that happy ending. You also want that after you've been through a breakup, but I definitely think you're more cautious with the next person you get in a relationship with. Who you open up with and confide in.

I think that knowing our destiny and our future would make life decisions that much easy. But I also think it would make things less fun. I don't think you would be able to fully appreciate the romance and the adventure. The thrill of every day's challenges and lessons. It just wouldn't be the same. You learn things by doing things. But what if you skipped out on those opportunities? Then you wouldn't the same person you are today. Who you're supposed to be!

So if I had to pick between knowing my destiny or not, I don't think I would want to. I think that would completely alter my life.The people who I might met. Who might have a lasting impression on my life.Going through the ups and downs is all apart of life. It makes you who you are! 


Sunday, July 17, 2011

Success is contagious!

When someone is doing well, you can't help but want to succeed as well. But what about when the people you're supporting aren't doing so well? What about when they aren't in the lime light anymore? Will you still stick by their side? I know that I would and I have. Three weeks from now when the World Cup is nonexistent in every one's mind, I'll still be thinking about the USWNT and how much they have accomplished. I'll always cheer for them, even though they didn't win the goal.

For most of the World Cup, I thought a lot of people were just watching because it was such an inspiration to watch. It was good soccer. Those women left their blood, sweat and tears on the field. They never doubted themselves and didn't care what anyone else thought. They knew what they were capable of and they tried to accomplish it.

But as soon as that final PK was taken, I think they lost a lot of their followers. I think a lot of them were watching just so they could say they witness the US win gold. But as soon as we lost, you could just sense all the bad mouthing coming. And it sure did come. US women chocked...I can't believe they got to the finals and lost...I'm not following them anymore. Typical. My favorite is, "that's why I never watch soccer in the first place." Just because you don't like soccer, don't understand it or can't relate to it, doesn't mean you have to talk bad about it. I don't go around saying your sport is stupid.

I wouldn't change being a soccer player or a soccer fan for anything. I love it and it's my passion. I've been around it all my life. Yeah, they may not have won gold, but that doesn't make them a bad team. Japan is a very good team. And they were just the better team today. They accomplished a lot this World Cup. They haven't made it to the World Cup finals in 12 years. I will still support them for years to come. I don't think they chocked. Some players should have been on instead of others. Some were better at taking PK's than others. Some players were hurt that probably should have been playing. But everything doesn't always fall into place. Everything doesn't always go your way. But that's life.

And that's why I like USWNT so much. Because they adapt to what is put in front of them. They face it head on. And I think with that mentality, you will always be successful!

Just because you're not being successful or doing something that others will look up to at the moment doesn't mean you can't be happy for someone else. Don't dim their light to try and make yours shine. Just be happy for them.


Friday, July 15, 2011 inspiration to us all!

“Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do.” – Pele

I think this quotes fits perfectly with the USWNT. You can't help but tune in to everything they do. You want to watch their interviews and see what they have to say. You want a glimpse into their training camp to see what they do to prepare for their games. See what they do to get their bodies into top shape.

USWNT is a perfect example of a team that adapts, learns and studies their opponents. And this World Cup is a good testament to all those things. Each team they played was different. Each team had different strengths and weaknesses...some were good in the add..some had a quick change of attack..some had some very fast players, while others just liked to possess. But each time they were faced with another challenge, they always took that task head one. They never once shied away. Even when they were down.

Watching them play is without a doubt enjoyable. You can tell that each player truly loves the game. You can see the desire on each person's face as they are playing. Everyone is always working hard to each other. If someone makes a mistake, they fix it. And if someone does something well, they celebrate it. You never see defeat in their eyes. They never seem to lose hope. Ever. Which is a direct reflection of who they all are as individuals. When they are playing, it's almost like you are right there in the moment. You find yourself holding your breath as they take PK's..or when a wicked shot hits the post in the last seconds and it's all tied up. You can't help but be in the moment right there with them. Feeling their frustration...feeling their pain...and definitely feeling their happiness.

I have been playing soccer since I was four and have loved every minute of it. I couldn't imagine my life without it. The friends you make and the things you learn along the way are priceless. You can't pay for that camaraderie and unity you get within your team. That's like a feeling of no other. You're sharing your blood, sweat and tears with those girls. To have their love and support can be very empowering.

People can even relate to USWNT when they know nothing about soccer. In some cases I wouldn't like that they're jumping on the bandwagon, but in this case I don't. I am not surprised that everyone is watching them. It's almost addicting to watch. You can't take your eyes off them. I think everyone can relate, because it really is a story of hard work and dedication and having that mentality of "refuse to lose." Everyone wants to succeed and to see that happen within USWNT is inspiration. Not many thought they would make it to the finals, but they always had faith in themselves. They never considered themselves the underdogs and neither did we. We think you guys have already won!

Watching them play is that much more exciting because I can actually relate to them. I know what it feels like to get clipped on the ankle..or get a Charlie Horse(cramp) in your calf or hamstring..or to utterly exhausted at the end of those 90 mins. Playing soccer definitely isn't for everyone, but I'm glad I can call soccer my passion! USWNT is an inspiration to females all around the world! A group of women of pure class. To see these women living out their dreams is amazing. It's just another example of dreams really can come true and never giving up on what you believe in, no matter what the struggle is to get there!

Never give up :-] 


Thursday, July 14, 2011

Women's World Cup

You can't help but get inspired when you watch the women's world cup. There is so much passion and so much pride with each country. It shows on the field, that each player leaves everything they have on the field after each game. Blood. Sweat. Tears. You can tell they really have a passion for the game. But that's how it should be. Why invest your time and money into something you don't absolutely love? Why wear your body down to the bone, if you're not completely into it?

For these women, playing soccer is literally their job. They are living out their dream. As much as girls all around the world say they want to be just like them, I don't think a lot of them could handle that type of dedication. At least from the girl's I know and have seen. Yeah, you see the YouTube videos of them having a good time and enjoying themselves, but that's only a 10 min video. What do you think they're doing the rest of the time?

I can't imagine what it feels like to be a professional athlete. I mean, being a college athlete was great and all...but half the time it was shits and giggles with my team. Our entire team was never on the same page. Someone was always arguing with someone else.There was always some sort of drama on the team. And it was always over some nonesense. I'm pretty sure if that happened on the Women's National team...well...I'm just gunna say I highly doubt it does happen. Or the girls kept it to themselves and the coach didn't know about it. It just seemed like more than half the time our team seemed like they were still in high school. Where fitness didn't really matter...goofin off at practice didn't matter...and not matching at practice didn't matter.

When I was in college and someone would ask if I was going to play afterwards, I would always say "I don't know" or "no." At that point I thought I would have had enough of soccer. College soccer was definitely a different experience. Not necessarily the best experience. But as time goes on and the more time that goes by and I don't play, I miss it even more. Maybe it's because it's something I have literally been doing my whole life. Or maybe it's because I really do love it that much and it is and always will be one of my passions. Either way...I miss playing.

I miss having that competitiveness with my teammates at practice and our opponets in games. I miss feeling good after a hard training session because I know I'm in good shape. I miss lifting weights and practicing in general. Playing again has definitely been on my mind a lot. I feel like I didn't get anything out of playing in college. I just don't feel like I'm done playing. But who's to say my time hasn't passed...

But to me...I don't think that time has passed...

Sunday, July 10, 2011

There are 3 things...

...You can never recover:

The Word- After it's said

You can always say you are sorry and you can always say you did not mean to say something. You meant to say something else. That is not what you meant to say. But at the end of the day, you said those words. At one point, even if it was for a second, you believed in what you said. You thought about it before you said it. Maybe you did not intend for those words to be hurtful, or maybe those words just did not make sense. But you have said them.

The Occassion- After it's missed

Why is it that we often times do not care about something until it is gone? Or wait until the last minute to do something, and by the time you get around to doing whatever it was you had to do, it is to late. You have missed a perfectly good opprotunity. Maybe it was the chance to land a dream job. Or just turning in an assignment that you could havegotten extra credit on. Why is it that after you have the opprotunity to do something, is when we really want to start caring and reacting. Why can't we just do it from the beginning?

The Time- After it's gone

A lot of time, I think this applies to love. Or something you supposedly really care about in life in general. It seems that most of the time we go through life numb to the things around us. We do not really comprehend what is going on. Especially when we get into a routine. Like with school. You have class every day at the same times, and eat at the same times, and have practice at the same time. Or when you get into a long relationship with someone, it is almost like things become mundane. Very repetitive. Until something starts to go wrong. Maybe you get in a fight, maybe you finally realize you are failing a class, or maybe your boss says your job is at stake. It isn't until then, that you start changing your ways. When your loved one threatens to leave you only then do you start trying to prove your love to them. When your teacher says you are failing their class, only then do you start worrying and asking for extra credit and things you can start to do different.

By that time it is to late. Why would you wait so long to show someone you care. To show someone you care about your grade? Because by the time you start caring, it is to late. The time has passed and you can't get that back. You can't rewind time. There are no redues in life. Yes, there are second chances in life. But everyone does not always get one. Sometimes that chapter has already been shut.