Wednesday, April 27, 2011

How do you really know?

True love is something I can say I've experienced. And when you experience that for the first time you never think about losing that person or that love. You never think of it fading or going away completely. When you're in love you don't think about anyone or anything else. It's almost like you have blinders on to the world around you. You want every moment to be special. Every "I love you" to be meaningful. Every hello/goodbye kiss to be felt throughout your whole body. And for that person to know they mean the world to you and for you to be able to have that gift of showing them every day.

But what happens when that love is gone? Do you just let it go or hold on to hoping that one day it might come back? But how do you really know that was the right person for you?

They say you KNOW when you've found that one person you want to spend the rest of your life with...but what if that person doesn't work out. What if you just put your everything into that relationship and you were left with nothing. You thought you had your future husband/wife sitting right next to you. Your best friend. When you had everything you've ever wanted within your touch. What do you do then?

Some call it destiny. That specific person came into your life for a reason. To teach you some sort of lesson. To make you a better when the right person comes along you wont have much to figure it out. It will just be easy right? If the lesson is how to move on after having a broken doesn't seem like it was worth it all in the first place. I would never take back my first love, but it's hard sit here and say I would go through it all over again just to end up alone and with more pain than I could bare.

Suppose you to fall in love again. Suppose you have everything you've ever wanted again. And you correct the things you did wrong from your last relationship. You've learned and you've grown. But it still has the same result. Maybe your heart isn't broken or maybe it is...but you still end up alone. How many more times do you keep allowing someone into your life just to leave it? How long do you keep having faith in that one person being somewhere out there for you? How many times does it take to get things right?

When you finally do get into that meaningful relationship there a certain point where you start to question things? What if you start seeing patterns of your previous relationships...or you're doing some of the similar things you've done in the past. Do you end that relationship because you THINK  it's going to have the same outcome as the rest...Do yo save yourself from the heartache? How do you really know this man/women [Among all the rest] is the one you're supposed to be with? I know in my short life I've only come across a few men I could see myself with for the rest of my life. What if I chose the wrong ones to date? What if the one that was always there to pick up the pieces was really the one I was supposed to be with all along?

I know you can't go through life constantly saying "what-if" and running different scenarios in your head. It will drive you crazy. But sometimes you can't help but I with the right person? Do you go out seeking that person and almost force the issue or just let it happen no matter how long you have to wait? Waiting is ridiculously hard...but isn't love supposed to be worth the wait?! :-)

They say what's meant to be will be right...?


Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Who Gave you the Right...

I went home this past weekend for Easter weekend to see my family and friends.
But first, on Thursday I went out with my two roommates for one of their birthdays.
It was definitely a good time, but it was also annoying. This has happened to my
friends and I on more than one occasion, but this weekend it seemed to bug me
more than any other weekend.

It seems, whenever guys go out they think that can say and do whatever to get a
females attention. Well my friends...that is not ok!! It doesn't make any sense to me
and it kills me when I see it actually work. I understand that some are dressed more
scandales than other and some dance more provacative than other, but that doesn't
give you the right to treat me like someone standing on a street corner and yell at types
of crazy things at me to get my attention. I dont know what your intentions are, whether
you want my name, or number or to get to know me...yelling at me from the sidewalk,
out of a car door and pulling my arm as I walk by you in a club isn't the right way
to do it. If it annoys me I know it annoys other women.

Have some RESPECT! If I were interested in you than I would let you know.
But coming up to me and actin like that just gets on my nerves. I think it's a copout
to say were asking to be treated that way because of the way we dress or how
we dance. Granted, some girls go to the clubs just to come home with a guy.
And I don't expect a guy to pick and choose which ones those are, but most of the
time they are pretty evident. And please please please respect my space. You don't
have to get all in my space to tell me something. Because half the time you're not
that cute and your breath smells bad or like straight alcohol and I'm not trying
to deal with that.

And if I don't want to talk to you, don't make me repeat myself. Because than
you just start looking real desperate when I have to tell you to go away more
than one time. Just enjoy your night. If you dance with someone...great..if not...
it's not the end of the world. If you don't go home with someone's number it's
still not the end of the world. This goes for girls as well as guys! Throwing
yourself at someone is NOT cute! It just makes you look desperate and needy.
Act like a lady, and you'll be treated like one. Well...for the most of the time.

And this isn't meant to be just about me! I've seen it happen to just about all
of my friends and I know it happens to other women becuase I've seen it
before. I just don't get it. And it's almost like an everyday thing. It doesn't
just have to be at a club. It could be at a gas station, WalMart...haha or at
school! It's actually quite funny sometimes. I just want to be like really...
did you really think that was going to work?? Calling someone beaufiul
can only get you so far. I can call anyone that!

Find a NEW approach fellas!


Wednesday, April 20, 2011

A Tour Downtown

Today for my CA 484 Managing PR class we went on a tour of
Red Square Agency downtown. It was really interesting. They
showed us the offices and where all the creative processes
happen! It was really cool and definitely a place where I could see
myself eventually working. I love being creative and I love
writing and that's a lot of what they do. That's why I like my
major so much. We're always brainstorming or doing something
creative on the computer. Working on a project and then seeing
the end result is an awesome feeling and very rewarding! I'd
love to do that full time!


Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Is ignorance really bliss?

I definitely believe that knowledge is power when it comes to anything
in life. I believe that people are more confident when they have all the
information and tools at their tips of their fingers. The more you know
the better. But can knowing everything be a curse at the same time?
Do we really need to know everything about everything or a little about
everything? But then there are those cases like relationships, that some
people don't think knowledge is power..and ignore is bliss..and the less
your partner knows the better. But is that really true? I think many men
believe that to be true, but for women (speaking for myself) I don't think
they would necessarily agree.

I would want to know about my man's past, no matter how bad. Afterall,
it is his past. As long as he's not doing those bad things in his future...what
can I hold against him? If he's upfront with everything...whether it be the things
he's proud of or the things he's not so proud of, you can't fault him for that.
I think it makes for a very trusting relationship with good communication
skills if each of you are willing to put all flaws out on the table. And it doesn't
even always have to be about the bad things. You should want to share all
your accomplishments as well, and you shouldn't feel jealousy towards that
person either for what they have done. You should be proud. Because starting
out a relationship with resentment would not end well.
I was stooping today (Sitting outside the aprt talking) with my girl Brandi
and we got to talking about motorcycles and how they are so dangerous.
We have both had someone we know pass away from a motocycle accident
and would never be able to get on a bike even if we were just riding on the
back. I mean...afterall...why would we want to do something that puts our
lives in danger? Then one of our friends came out and sat with us (Dro) and
had a different opinion about the situation. He too has had people (2) pass away
in his life from motorcycle accidents. But he says he would still ride one and
wanted to get one. He just wouldn't go super fast...he'd go the speed limit
and in my opinion just hope that nothing would happen.

I don't want to say I think that's ignorance, but I don't know what else to call
it. I can understand wanting a rush/thrill but go ride a rollercoaster or something.
You can be the safest driver on the planet, but that doesn't mean other
drivers aren't concerned with your safety. I get that we all want certain things in
life, but I just don't see how that could be one of them. To have your parents and
loved ones worry about you every day when you got on your bike isn't something
I would want them to go through. After having all the knowledge of the risks and
hazards of driving a motorcycle and still wanting one...I just don't get it.

Does having all the knowledge even make you more knowledge than the next person
if you don't use it??



I can't wait to go to "Oh Snap" when I go home this weekend!
They have the best cupcakes!! :Strawberry Buttercream" and
"The Jerry" here I come! :-]


Monday, April 18, 2011

Never forget who was there from the beginning...

It really is true when you hear relationships may come and go,
but friends will last forever. Obviously your significant other should be a top
 priority in your life but that doesn't mean you need to forget everyone else in it. E
specially your friends that have supported you and been there for you
 through it all. When you first get into a relationship,
I think it's normal to want to spend as much time with that person as possible.
I mean you're getting to know each other and you guys are starting
someone new. But once you've hit that point, to where you're completely
confortable with that person, you
need to seperate a little bit. Spend time with your fellas/girls and not every
waking min with your other half. Let them have a life too. Let them
hangout with their people and you with yours. Everyone knows at then end
 of the day who you're going home too.

My two best friends! I love them to death!
You NEED to make time for you friends.
You NEED to keep in touch with your friends.
Because if you don't...when that relationship wont have anyone
but yourself to hangout with. Being with someone every minute you're
not a school (Donig hw or studyin) or at work
is not healthy. You need that time with your friends. To get away
for a minute and chill. Otherwise you gunna get on that person's
nerves if you up their butt all the time. I don't care what anyone says...You
can love someone to death but if you with someone 24-7
 there is going to be some resentment somewhere down the road.

I couldn't imagine my college years without these girls! The best teammates
and fam I could ask for!
It's just not good to cute ties with people that have supported
you and been there for you...especially when they haven't done anything
 to deserve that. It would be one thing if they were trying to ruin your
relationship, but besides that...there should be room
for family/friends/significant other in your life.

It's called BALANCE. It's not that hard to figure out.


My passion

I miss playing soo much! I wish I could have my senior season back! 
This pic was takin in our locker room before my last game :-(
I didn't think I would miss it that much becuase the last two season were complete hell, but I do.
I don't miss the traveling, practicin or losing but I do miss PLAYING.
As much as it was frustrating more than half the time...I was happy when I was on the field...

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Glad I could help!

A few weeks ago my friend asked me to write a poem for her and of course I was more than willing because I love to write. But when she started to describe what she wanted it to be about and how she felt I didn't know if I would be able to relate. But as I thought about it...I could relate more than I knew. It's basically just about not giving up on love and having faith that there is someone out there for all of us! And I can definitely relate to more ways than one :-) So when I started to write it was pretty easy..and she loved it so that's all that matters!

"A Light at the End of the Tunnel"

-You’ve been alone for more years than you can count
-You always had hope that you’d eventually find someone but then again there was always that   doubt
-Going through life alone, feeling lost and without a purpose
-Not having anyone to understand you…if anyone will ever understand you…a feeling that often makes you nervous.
-Not knowing what the future holds
-Just wanting the warmth of a companion but instead your world around you remains ever so cold
-Your heart can’t possible take anymore hurt
-For someone who doesn’t really care, to spit on your heart and throw it in the dirt
-Your best intentions keep making a mess of everything
-You just want everything to be ok and for the hurt not to sting
-An emptiness inside that nothing can seem to fill
-A feeling that is constant…often paralyzing and makes time stand still
-You continue to hold onto faith that someday everything will change
-But day after day nothing is different and things remain the same
-Though all the heartache and pain, you stay strong and forever hopeful
-That one day you will meet someone…that is kind and caring and always truthful
-Someone that you can always count on no matter what the weather
-Winter, summer, spring and fall…they’ll always be there to catch you and never let you fall
-Then one day without expectation your life is changed with just one hello
-You’ve never known a feeling like this and can’t help but let all your feelings show
-You can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel
-You no longer have the fear of being alone…you can just relax and forget about the struggle 
-Someone to love every single day for the rest of your life
-Someone you can husband and they proudly call you their wife
-You life will never be the same
-And you have one individual to thankfully blame
-A smile he puts on your face each and every day
-And a feeling of completeness, happiness and belonging that won’t ever go away
-To know you have a life long partner until the very end is nothing short of pure bliss
-And puts an end to the years of heartbreak, pain and emptiness with just one simple kiss



Saturday, April 9, 2011

Same Sh*t, Different Day

The saying "same sh*t, different day" stands true when it comes to the Univeristy of South Alabama women's soccer team.  You would think after two horrible losing seasons, something would change...whether it's with the players or the coaching staff. Something has to happen. Each year, if you have a consistent number of girls quiting and transfering than you have a problem.

In this particular's definitely the coaching staff. The players can only do so much on the field to make things happen. Especially when they are playing in positions they don't normally play in, playing with people they don't normally play with and mesh with and when they're only getting a certain amount of minutes at a time. You think he would get the hint, that playing non-starters for a certain amount of time, and then putting in starters the last 10-15 minutes of the game and expect them to score doesn't work. You can't do that and just expect them to pull a win out their ass.

I get that you wanna keep your pride and stuff, but everyone is wrong at some point in their lives. No one is perfect. And I think if he would just consider people's suggestions and change some things than he would be a lot more respected. Don't tell your team that you have an open door policy and they can come talk to you whenever you want, when all you do is shut down everything we say. And if we have a question about playing time...ohh no...never that. It's like he has a routine of lines of what to say all the time. I just don't get it. How are you gunna be a coach and you have no idea how to communicate with your players? And how are you gunna give us the same pre-game, half time and post-game speech like none of us notice? Really...

I would say my fellow lady jags have a good chance at a better season, because they have won two games and did tie Alabama, but today was rough. And I feel like that's what always happens. We do well for a little while and the it just all goes downhill from there. Coach tries to change things up...make all the wrong subs and play the wrong players at the wrong time. That just kills everything.

Oh, he can say he doesn't have favorites all he wants, but he definitely does. And it was evident this weekend. One of his starting forwards and favorite players got in trouble over Spring Break for drinking (She's underage mind you) and had to go to court this past Thursday and missed practice. He ONLY punishment...missing the game Friday. That's it. When something like this happened two (I think) years ago, the girl got suspended from the team. Couldn't even come to practice. And she wasn't one of coach's favorite players. Talk about bias and unfair...shame.

And what really kills the end of the day...after all is said and done and the games are over...he still walks around like he hasn't done anything wrong. Like he doesn't have two losing season weighing on his shoulders. How can you do that? I would be ashamed. And after the games tryin to act all buddy-buddy with the parents to keep them satisfied...telling them everything they wanna hear. No...go somewhere with all the bs. You not foolin anybody. Their kids are STILL unhappy.

It's just a waste talking about him after every game because it's going to continue to be the same conversation every game.

Welp...Keep your head up lady jags!


Tuesday, April 5, 2011

"You Make Me Weak"

I was tired of hurting and i was tired of searching
You cam into my world and made everything worth living
You have your head on straight and goals for the furture
You are very important to me like Martin Luther
Winter, summer, spring and fall; I hope you'll be with me though it all
BEcuase I'll be there for you; all you have to do is call
I wished upon a great big star and I'm glad I did becuase it to me to where you are
I hope I never have to leave; I hope I never have to go very far
It's fard to believe that you actually picked me
I'm suprised you pursed and didn't choose to be free
There's a reason why I kneel and pray
I pray for your health and happiness each and every day
Memories give me the strength that I need
They lend me a hand and give me the guidance on how to proceed
Take me as I am and hold on to me tight
Becuase I would give you the work; I would give you my life
I feel like a mountain that can almost touch the ski
I'm always on cloud 9; I'm always on some kind of high
There's no pain like a broken heart
So excuse me if Im not completely open; excuse me if I happen to fall apart
Crash into me with all your good looks and glory
And run away with me as we write our own story