Monday, September 19, 2011

Something to think about...

"Let go when you're hurting to much. Give up when love isn't enough. And move on when things start to become different and unlike they were before. For there is someone out here who will love you even more."

 I think this quote can be applied to more things than just love. I think that it can be applied to life in general. In life, I think your main goal should is to be happy. To enjoy your life and to find the things you love and hold on to them. You want to surround yourself with people who care for you. Who enhance your life. Who make you want to be a better person. 

Let go when you're hurting to much. Give up with love isn't enough- I think this is a very good quote within itself. Why would you want to hang on to something when you're hurting more than you are happy? Especially when you're the only one that's hurting. This doesn't just have to be about love. This could be about a job, being apart of a team, dealing with a difficult friendship or being in a abusive relationship. Why would you continue to put yourself through that pain. Stressing yourself out. Making yourself sick over something that is most likely not even worth it. When you're having more bad times than you are good, than you really need to reconsider your situation. The bad should never outweigh the good. It's ok to hold on to those good times, but that shouldn't be the only thing you're clinging onto. You're only hope for survival. 

With the second quote, I don't think I would necessarily use the words "give up." I'm not sure what I would put in replace of that, but those just seem like the wrong words. This is pretty self explanatory though. When love isn't enough, move on. When you don't think you love someone anymore and when you can't say I love you no matter what, than you should know something is missing. 

And move on when things start to become different and unlike they were before. For there is someone out here who will love you even more- This is true in a lot of relationships. I know it was when it came to mine. When you first get into a relationship I think people try to make things perfect. They try to please each other, never fight and show the best side of themselves as possible. But as time goes on, things tend to change. People tend to change. You start to notice things about each other that you didn't when you first got together. The little things that start to bother you. You start fighting more and more for no apparent reason at all. One little thing will set one of you off and everything will be blown out of proportion. A relationship shouldn't be more work than it's worth. Of course every relationship has it's ups and downs, but when you're having to fight to make things work is when you might want to consider moving on. 

At the time you may think there isn't anything better out there. But once you do find someone else and it's just easy...than you'll know you made the right decision. You'll wonder why you stayed in that relationship for as long as you did. Why you tried to make it work for so long will become a mystery to you. You'll wonder why you wasted so much of your time and energy. Why you let yourself get so stressed out all the time. Wondering why things weren't working. Wondering why you weren't enough. 

But when you do find the right person, all those questions and hesitations go out the window! It just works. It just feels right. You're where you're supposed to be. You'll know. You just have to take that leap into the unknown. To exit the familiar and not stick with what you know. Because you never know what you might find... =]


Sunday, September 11, 2011

Remembering 9/11

“Time is passing. Yet, for the United States of America, there will be no forgetting September the 11th. We will remember every rescuer who died in honor. We will remember every family that lives in grief. We will remember the fire and ash, the last phone calls, the funerals of the children" 
If you weren't directly impacted by September 11th, I don't think it means as much to you as it would to someone who lost a loved one. But none the less, it all holds a special place in our hearts. We all know exactly what we were doing when the World Trade Centers. My generation was still really young. I know when I heard about it, I didn't fully understand what was happening. I knew it was something bad. And I knew it was something that would forever remain a date no one would ever forget.

At that time, I wasn't to scared. I did know that it was happening in really big cities. So I actually felt pretty safe because I knew someone wouldn't want to harm a small town in Florida. So I was definitely glad I did not live in a big city at that time. And I was thankful that I didn't have any family that lived in New York either. So incredibly thankful.

I couldn't imagine what those individuals had to go through. How scared the people were in those buildings as they were falling. What their last thought was. Was their last image was. What they last said to their loved ones. It's something you just can't begin to fathom or wrap your head around. Or to the brave individuals who decided to stay behind waiting for others to evacuate..showing the fastest way out not thinking about themselves. The fallen heroes. The ones no one saw helping others. Comforting others telling them everything will be ok.

At one end, you want to be proud that your loved one helped others save their life, but at the same time you're angry...frustrated and sad because they're not back at home with you. I know that I would be torn with a million different emotions if I was dealt with that situation. You almost would have wanted that person to be selfish and find their way back to you...back home. But then again you can't help but be inspired and love them even more because of what they did for others. For many, we need an anniversary to remember something like this. But to many others..they have a constant reminder each and every day. Pictures. Videos. Children of fallen men and women. Husbands and wives. Grandparents. Sisters and brothers. They will never forget. It's impossible to forget.

The anniversary is just a reminder of what was stolen from them. Innocent lives cut short. Taken from their loved ones for no reason at all. They don't need an anniversary to remember what they've lost.

My heart goes out to all the families who were impacted by 9/11. I can't imagine the struggles they go through to this day. The void that is forever gone in their lives. Lives were torn apart, and brought together all at the same time. I don't think any American will forget this day. They may not think about it on a daily basis, but it will always be in their mind. It will forever be a date in our history books that never should have happened....

Never forgotten and forever grateful...


My Lady Jags!!

They say, everyone loves a winner, but to me personally, I love a fighter. And that's what all my lady jags are...especially the seniors. They're fighters. They have been fighting for the past four years. Every sprint. Every early morning weight session. Every 115 completed. It's all finally paying off. They never gave up. They may have gotten the wind knocked out of their sails at some point...but they never gave up. They put the previous season's loses behind them. Starting fresh. Starting new.

Determined to make this year better than any other. Refusing to lose. Refusing to not being taken seriously. When no one else had faith in them and when no one else thought they could win, they thought they could. They believed in themselves and the rest of their team. They didn't care what others thought. They knew deep down they could win. Finding a way to win was their only obstacle. I knew they had the talent. That was never the question. It was just a question of whether or not they could come together and find a way to win.

And judging from the last few games...they have definitely found a way to win! And to the lower-class men...keep working hard. I am really proud of the sophomores who stayed and continued to believe in your team. You guys definitely make a huge impact with the team. To the freshman...This is just the beginning for you guys. Enjoy EVERY minute that you can. It really does go by to fast. Enjoy every minute you play. Remember every tackle and every bruise. Learn from your mistakes and take a moment to enjoy your success!

JASMINE!! I'm soo proud of you! I heard you got a goal today. That's awesome. You definitely are an inspiration to us all. I know getting back to the field was a long process, but your hard work is paying off and I couldn't be happier for you. Keep working hard girl! TINA!! lol You're a mess! Get better already! But don't come back to soon because I don't want you getting hurt again lol I know you'll do great things when you see the field again. Just keep working hard to recover! JULS!! Get better sweet thang! I'm glad to see you're not in the hospital anymore! EMI!! I know you've been healthy for a while now, but I also know your road to recovery was pretty long! Proud of you that you never gave up and came back strong! Keep working hard girl! Now just work on recovering girl! If anyone else is hurt...hurry up and get better...BRANDI! lol

I'm sooooo proud of each and every one of you guys!! Keep working hard!! I'm so glad you guys are finally enjoying success...It's about time. I miss all of you guys so much. I wish I was still playing with you guys. You definitely don't realize how much you miss something until it's not there anymore!

JESS...I couldn't think of anyone better to represent my number!! You're rock! #24

I love you guys to death!!

Smile =]


Friday, August 12, 2011


I haven't written in a while, so I thought this would be the perfect opportunity to do so! When I was in college I never really thought about playing after I graduated. Everyone would always as me if I was planning to continue playing, but I would always say no. Although, at that time, there weren't any teams that I was able to play one. It was all still high school club teams and I really wasn't trying to do that. Recently however, women's soccer has taken off in a big way.

There are 6 (I think) professional women's teams here in the United States which is awesome, because we've never had the before. There are also a lot more WPLS teams which are semi-pro teams. I wouldn't be opposed to playing on one of those teams, but in my in Pensacola and the teams around here, it wouldn't be any different that playing in college. I would be the oldest player if I played on the team here in Pensacola. Most of these girls are still in high school or the first or second year in college.

I'm not saying I'm to good for WPLS by any means, but I can say that I wouldn't want to play on that particular team. If I were to play professionally, I would have girls my age, or a few years older which would be very cool. I think I would also learn a lot more if I were to play with older women. And I think I would get a lot more out of that experience. Especially if I went overseas! =]

Which is the main reason for this entry! I recently got an offer to go play in Germany professionally. I have been talking to an agent and my assistant coach for a few months now. Everything seemed pretty positive but nothing was for sure. I didn't think anything would happen as fast as it has. But I honestly don't think it could have come at a better time!! I just graduated and I don't have anything holding me down. I think it would be a great opportunity. My housing would be paid for, my flights would be paid for, I"d have health insurance, local transportation would be paid for and I would get a nice lil salary added on to all of that!!

I'm still a little hesitant, but it just seems like something I can't give up. I'm just nervous about going by myself and not knowing anyone or a lick of German! lol But I've never been, and I would be doing something I love. I'd like to say I wouldn't get homesick but I don't know. I've never been that far from home...but I think college kinda prepared me for that, because I rarely went home when I was in college. I would live in a small city called Kehl, Germany. I think it's about 4 hours from Berlin. I looked it up and it seems like an amazing place. It's about 10 minutes from this French city called Strasbourg and that town also looks awesome! So many places to go see and visit!

I don't know... everything is just happening so fast. It's crazy. I couldn't sleep last night because I had so much on my mind. It would definitely be a dream come true. I would be living out my dream. And not many people can say that. Being a professional athlete and traveling the world and doing what I love. I couldn't think of anything better!

I definitely have some serious thinking to do in the next few days!!


Sunday, July 31, 2011

My most recent poem!

"Each and Every Day"

-My mama told me everything will be ok
-She said, "Just wait six months and the pain will start to go away
-Have faith in what I taught you
-Don't ever let anyone make you feel like a lesser you
-Hold on to my hand and let me be your strength now
-I know it take some time and I know it wont be easy
-Let out all the fear, sorrow and shed as many tears; let all your pain show
-It will all get better in time just trust that time heals all and believe in what I know

-Each and every day is a struggle to get by
-A pain I've never felt before; one my heart cannot deny
-Mama said, "Baby you can't just stay in hiding within the covers of your bed"
-You can't let this boy cripple your heart and get in your head
-You can't change the past; you can't change what's already been done
-You must get back on your feet; remain strong and one...
with who you were before
-I am all alone with pain that unbearable; one that I've never known
-Feelings that I hide from everyone; ones that can never be shown
-A feeling like I've lost a part of who I used to be
-He stole something from me; something I hope to regain and set myself free
-I'm a fraction of who I used to be
-Love came and knocked the breath out of me

-At the end of the day
-I have no one to come take my pain away
-I'll dream of you tonight
-Hoping by morning everything will miraculously be alright
-But when that sun slowly makes its way up
-I just keep my eyes wired shut
-The only thing that's between me and the world is my bedroom door
-Not making a single movement; especially not my feet hitting the floor
-I lay here under the covers with tears coming from my eyes
-Wondering how we got to the point and why we started saying goodbye
-I lay here and remember
-What happened in those days before
-Paralyzed with sadness; not wanting to do anything
-But wonder what happened to the one I used to adore
-Each and every day I try to take back a piece of me I've lost
-Picking up the pieces and putting them back together no matter what the cost
-Each and every day I try and sober up my mind
-To clear my head and ponder what he left behind
-But today...
-Today I'll brush my teeth, start my day and wash my face
-Scrubbing the pain off from yesterday's race
-And today...
-Today my mind is sober and strong
-The way it should have been from the beginning and all along


Tuesday, July 19, 2011

What is your destiny?

The definition of destiny is:
1. The inevitable or necessary fate to which a particular person or thing is destined.
2. The events that will necessarily happen to a particular person or thing in the future.
3. The hidden power believed to control what will happen in the future; fate.

All these definitions are similar and relate to one another in some sort of way. I think one of the most accurate definitions is the third one because it contains the word "hidden and believe." I do think that someone can plan out their a certain extent. But you can only plan so much. Everything isn't within your grasp. You can't determine every little aspect of your life. I'm sure that we would all love to know what we'll be doing in 10 know we have a family, a secure job that you love and living in a place you've always wanted to live. But then I feel like that leaves nothing to the imagination. There is no longer any mystery left. If you know where you're going to end up, what would be the point of working hard for anything.

Personally, I would like to know what I'll be doing in 10 years..maybe even 5. Whether or not pursing soccer is the right direction, or finding something in my field that I would love to do. How are you supposed to know you're headed in the right direction? That you're taking the right path and doing the right thing. But then that takes out the thrill of wanting to succeed and the fear of not accomplishing what you want. It can definitely be nerve wrecking not knowing what your future holds. Some just want to have a secure and reliable job...others want to make the most money as possible...others want to be professional athletes...while others just want to focus on their families.

Everyone is destined for something different. I think this can also pertain to love. Especially if you have had your heart broken before. When you have never been in love I think you are more receptive to go all in with the relationship without hesitation. You want that love and affection and that happy ending. You also want that after you've been through a breakup, but I definitely think you're more cautious with the next person you get in a relationship with. Who you open up with and confide in.

I think that knowing our destiny and our future would make life decisions that much easy. But I also think it would make things less fun. I don't think you would be able to fully appreciate the romance and the adventure. The thrill of every day's challenges and lessons. It just wouldn't be the same. You learn things by doing things. But what if you skipped out on those opportunities? Then you wouldn't the same person you are today. Who you're supposed to be!

So if I had to pick between knowing my destiny or not, I don't think I would want to. I think that would completely alter my life.The people who I might met. Who might have a lasting impression on my life.Going through the ups and downs is all apart of life. It makes you who you are! 


Sunday, July 17, 2011

Success is contagious!

When someone is doing well, you can't help but want to succeed as well. But what about when the people you're supporting aren't doing so well? What about when they aren't in the lime light anymore? Will you still stick by their side? I know that I would and I have. Three weeks from now when the World Cup is nonexistent in every one's mind, I'll still be thinking about the USWNT and how much they have accomplished. I'll always cheer for them, even though they didn't win the goal.

For most of the World Cup, I thought a lot of people were just watching because it was such an inspiration to watch. It was good soccer. Those women left their blood, sweat and tears on the field. They never doubted themselves and didn't care what anyone else thought. They knew what they were capable of and they tried to accomplish it.

But as soon as that final PK was taken, I think they lost a lot of their followers. I think a lot of them were watching just so they could say they witness the US win gold. But as soon as we lost, you could just sense all the bad mouthing coming. And it sure did come. US women chocked...I can't believe they got to the finals and lost...I'm not following them anymore. Typical. My favorite is, "that's why I never watch soccer in the first place." Just because you don't like soccer, don't understand it or can't relate to it, doesn't mean you have to talk bad about it. I don't go around saying your sport is stupid.

I wouldn't change being a soccer player or a soccer fan for anything. I love it and it's my passion. I've been around it all my life. Yeah, they may not have won gold, but that doesn't make them a bad team. Japan is a very good team. And they were just the better team today. They accomplished a lot this World Cup. They haven't made it to the World Cup finals in 12 years. I will still support them for years to come. I don't think they chocked. Some players should have been on instead of others. Some were better at taking PK's than others. Some players were hurt that probably should have been playing. But everything doesn't always fall into place. Everything doesn't always go your way. But that's life.

And that's why I like USWNT so much. Because they adapt to what is put in front of them. They face it head on. And I think with that mentality, you will always be successful!

Just because you're not being successful or doing something that others will look up to at the moment doesn't mean you can't be happy for someone else. Don't dim their light to try and make yours shine. Just be happy for them.


Friday, July 15, 2011 inspiration to us all!

“Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do.” – Pele

I think this quotes fits perfectly with the USWNT. You can't help but tune in to everything they do. You want to watch their interviews and see what they have to say. You want a glimpse into their training camp to see what they do to prepare for their games. See what they do to get their bodies into top shape.

USWNT is a perfect example of a team that adapts, learns and studies their opponents. And this World Cup is a good testament to all those things. Each team they played was different. Each team had different strengths and weaknesses...some were good in the add..some had a quick change of attack..some had some very fast players, while others just liked to possess. But each time they were faced with another challenge, they always took that task head one. They never once shied away. Even when they were down.

Watching them play is without a doubt enjoyable. You can tell that each player truly loves the game. You can see the desire on each person's face as they are playing. Everyone is always working hard to each other. If someone makes a mistake, they fix it. And if someone does something well, they celebrate it. You never see defeat in their eyes. They never seem to lose hope. Ever. Which is a direct reflection of who they all are as individuals. When they are playing, it's almost like you are right there in the moment. You find yourself holding your breath as they take PK's..or when a wicked shot hits the post in the last seconds and it's all tied up. You can't help but be in the moment right there with them. Feeling their frustration...feeling their pain...and definitely feeling their happiness.

I have been playing soccer since I was four and have loved every minute of it. I couldn't imagine my life without it. The friends you make and the things you learn along the way are priceless. You can't pay for that camaraderie and unity you get within your team. That's like a feeling of no other. You're sharing your blood, sweat and tears with those girls. To have their love and support can be very empowering.

People can even relate to USWNT when they know nothing about soccer. In some cases I wouldn't like that they're jumping on the bandwagon, but in this case I don't. I am not surprised that everyone is watching them. It's almost addicting to watch. You can't take your eyes off them. I think everyone can relate, because it really is a story of hard work and dedication and having that mentality of "refuse to lose." Everyone wants to succeed and to see that happen within USWNT is inspiration. Not many thought they would make it to the finals, but they always had faith in themselves. They never considered themselves the underdogs and neither did we. We think you guys have already won!

Watching them play is that much more exciting because I can actually relate to them. I know what it feels like to get clipped on the ankle..or get a Charlie Horse(cramp) in your calf or hamstring..or to utterly exhausted at the end of those 90 mins. Playing soccer definitely isn't for everyone, but I'm glad I can call soccer my passion! USWNT is an inspiration to females all around the world! A group of women of pure class. To see these women living out their dreams is amazing. It's just another example of dreams really can come true and never giving up on what you believe in, no matter what the struggle is to get there!

Never give up :-] 


Thursday, July 14, 2011

Women's World Cup

You can't help but get inspired when you watch the women's world cup. There is so much passion and so much pride with each country. It shows on the field, that each player leaves everything they have on the field after each game. Blood. Sweat. Tears. You can tell they really have a passion for the game. But that's how it should be. Why invest your time and money into something you don't absolutely love? Why wear your body down to the bone, if you're not completely into it?

For these women, playing soccer is literally their job. They are living out their dream. As much as girls all around the world say they want to be just like them, I don't think a lot of them could handle that type of dedication. At least from the girl's I know and have seen. Yeah, you see the YouTube videos of them having a good time and enjoying themselves, but that's only a 10 min video. What do you think they're doing the rest of the time?

I can't imagine what it feels like to be a professional athlete. I mean, being a college athlete was great and all...but half the time it was shits and giggles with my team. Our entire team was never on the same page. Someone was always arguing with someone else.There was always some sort of drama on the team. And it was always over some nonesense. I'm pretty sure if that happened on the Women's National team...well...I'm just gunna say I highly doubt it does happen. Or the girls kept it to themselves and the coach didn't know about it. It just seemed like more than half the time our team seemed like they were still in high school. Where fitness didn't really matter...goofin off at practice didn't matter...and not matching at practice didn't matter.

When I was in college and someone would ask if I was going to play afterwards, I would always say "I don't know" or "no." At that point I thought I would have had enough of soccer. College soccer was definitely a different experience. Not necessarily the best experience. But as time goes on and the more time that goes by and I don't play, I miss it even more. Maybe it's because it's something I have literally been doing my whole life. Or maybe it's because I really do love it that much and it is and always will be one of my passions. Either way...I miss playing.

I miss having that competitiveness with my teammates at practice and our opponets in games. I miss feeling good after a hard training session because I know I'm in good shape. I miss lifting weights and practicing in general. Playing again has definitely been on my mind a lot. I feel like I didn't get anything out of playing in college. I just don't feel like I'm done playing. But who's to say my time hasn't passed...

But to me...I don't think that time has passed...

Sunday, July 10, 2011

There are 3 things...

...You can never recover:

The Word- After it's said

You can always say you are sorry and you can always say you did not mean to say something. You meant to say something else. That is not what you meant to say. But at the end of the day, you said those words. At one point, even if it was for a second, you believed in what you said. You thought about it before you said it. Maybe you did not intend for those words to be hurtful, or maybe those words just did not make sense. But you have said them.

The Occassion- After it's missed

Why is it that we often times do not care about something until it is gone? Or wait until the last minute to do something, and by the time you get around to doing whatever it was you had to do, it is to late. You have missed a perfectly good opprotunity. Maybe it was the chance to land a dream job. Or just turning in an assignment that you could havegotten extra credit on. Why is it that after you have the opprotunity to do something, is when we really want to start caring and reacting. Why can't we just do it from the beginning?

The Time- After it's gone

A lot of time, I think this applies to love. Or something you supposedly really care about in life in general. It seems that most of the time we go through life numb to the things around us. We do not really comprehend what is going on. Especially when we get into a routine. Like with school. You have class every day at the same times, and eat at the same times, and have practice at the same time. Or when you get into a long relationship with someone, it is almost like things become mundane. Very repetitive. Until something starts to go wrong. Maybe you get in a fight, maybe you finally realize you are failing a class, or maybe your boss says your job is at stake. It isn't until then, that you start changing your ways. When your loved one threatens to leave you only then do you start trying to prove your love to them. When your teacher says you are failing their class, only then do you start worrying and asking for extra credit and things you can start to do different.

By that time it is to late. Why would you wait so long to show someone you care. To show someone you care about your grade? Because by the time you start caring, it is to late. The time has passed and you can't get that back. You can't rewind time. There are no redues in life. Yes, there are second chances in life. But everyone does not always get one. Sometimes that chapter has already been shut.


Monday, June 6, 2011

Drake quote broken down!

Live without PRETENDING:

You should never have to pretend in life. You shouldn't have to
pretend to be someone you aren't. You shouldn't have to pretend
to like something you don't. You should live without having to
justify why you like what you do...why you believe in the things
that you do...and why you chose the friends that you have. If you're
 pretending to be someone you're not, than you might want to reevaluate
yourself as a person. That's not a real friendship if you're
pretending all the time. If you are worried about those people not
liking you, than they don't derserve to be in your world anyways.
They don't deserve your love and respect.

Love without DEPENDING:

You should NEVER depend on someone for love and you should
 NEVER depend on love to get you through a relationship.
 Sometimes, love just isn't enough. Sometimes love wont get you
through that heart breaking fight. Sometimes love wont get you
 through that heart wrenching lie. And sometimes, love just wont
 get you through that promise you were supposed to be keeping
all this time but find out it was just an empty promise. Like
 the old saying goes "You have to love yourself, before you can
love someone else." If you go out looking for someone to love
you for all the wrong reasons, than it's not going to work out.
And when you finally do find that unconditional love...don't depend
 on that love to keep everything going. Don't depend on that love
 to last a lifetime. It doesn't always last. It's not always good.
 Along with you, you also have to have trust and honesty and
compromise and patience.You have to have a life of your own,
but at the same time creating a new life with that other person. Love
 shouldn't be hard. It shouldn't cause anyone pain. It does take
work and compromise. But it should also be fun and exciting
 and always changing.

Listen without DEFENDING:

Listening is a tool that many people have yet to master. It's a
characteristicthat many individuals do not possess. Listening
 is hard to do, when you aren'tinterested in what that other person
 has to say. And it's hard when you don't agree with what
they have to say. And it's really hard not to jump the gun and
automatically defend the way you believe...what you think is right
...and what you want to say. When you are in an argument
with someone or when you're fighting with someone, it's especially
 hard to hold back. You want that personto hear your opinion.
 You want your voice to be heard. But yelling and defending don't
 always work. That doesn't always get your point across. Listening is
a two way street. You have to listen and the person you're talking
 to must listen. Because when both parties stop the
exact moment when both parties start defending.

Speak without OFFENDING:

This can be difficult when it comes to a very passionate peron.
Or with someone with strong beliefs. And especially when it
comes to religion and race. Some people are very easily
offended while others have very tough skin. When it comes to
strangers it's hard to determine which one they are. But among
your friends, you should know who you can speak to in a joking manner
and you should know who you can't joke with in certain situations.
There are ways to get your point across without offending someone else.
Everyone isn't going to believe the same thing. Everyone isn't going to
standfor the same things you stand for. It's just not going to happen. 
You just have to speak with respect. (I mean unless they are just
being rude because I know sometimes it's hard to keep your cool).
It's hard to be the bigger person in every situation, but if
you're getting your point across in a respectful manner than others
will follow your lead.



It's hard to have Sympathy...

It's hard to have sympathy for someone who wants a change in their life, but you don't really see them doing anything about it. Especially when it comes to someone's weight. I guess it's hard for me to relate to someone that is overweight because I've never been in that position. I have always been active and athletic. So when I hear someone complain complain about their weight it honestly goes through one ear and out the other...unless they are really serious about being proactive and actually want to change.

I'm not saying that everyone needs to be as skinny as my or a size 9 for that matter. You can be a big as you please but don't complain about your weight and how uncomfortable you are and not be willing to eat better and exercise. I'm not trying to hear that. As long as you're comfortable in the skin you're in, I'm happy for you. But when I hear that you're out every night, drinking more beer than all the guys and eating for two day in and day out and NOT exercising what-so-ever...I have absolutely no sympathy for you. You are doing that to yourself.

You can always do what everyone else is doing. What works for one person doesn't mean it's going to work for everyone else. And that goes for a lot of things, not just weight. Studying for example..some students don't have to study at all. If they show up to class and take notes then they are good to go. make take a few hours to process and memorize all that information. Everyone is different; physically and emotionally...spiritually and mentally. Luckily I have been blessed to be able to eat what I want, when I want and still maintain a healthy weight. But I also EXERCISE on a daily basis (well..not so much anymore! lol). But that works for me and and I do what works for ME!!

I'm not saying that you have to go around eating lettuce and carrots the rest of your life. That's just unrealistic and probably very stupid. But exercise and eating BETTER goes a long way when it comes to weight loss. Again...I'm not saying anyone needs to lose weight and be a size 2. It would be nice if some individuals could get down to a HEALTHY weight. The world was meant to be different. Everyone isn't supposed to be the same size. Everyone isn't supposed to look the same. Everyone isn't supposed to act the same. But I do feel like everyone should be healthy. Including myself...because lord knows I have no sense of nutrition in my diet.

If you're trying to make a change in your life, then the more power to you. I will support you and go workout with whatever we have to do. But until you're ready to actually DO something about it...I don't want to hear anything. I don't want to hear how uncomfortable you are. I don't want to hear you say something about someone else to make yourself feel better. And I especially don't want to hear you say you can't get a boyfriend because of your weight! Because that's not true. It's everything else about yourself that a guy doesn't like. If they like your personalty, than everything else will fall into place.

This goes for everything and everyone in life. Including myself. I know there have been a few things I've wanted to changed but never put forth the effort or used the correct steps to change those things. It's almos like the "boy who cried wolf" if you think about it. He lied and lied time and again about seeing the wolf and made people come and help him thinking he was hurt. And when he actually did get hurt...and cried out for help...everyone was over it and didn't believe him anymore. There are only so many times I'll believe you want and are going to change before there just isn't any reaso for listening. There's not point.

I understand that everyone's body is different. I get that some people are just naturally bigger boned. And I get that it's harder for some people to lose weight than others. But that's life. Everyone isn't blessed in the same way. Other's have to work harder at learning things or different struggles they go through every day. No one is saying you can't complain and you can't feel discouraged. But just make sure you are being proactive about your actions :-) That's all.


Saturday, June 4, 2011

Do "real" really recognize "real?"

I want to say yes, but in my experience and the experiences of many of my friends...that doesn't happen. And in many cases "real" don't recognize "fake" either. It almost seems like a game to me. A game of pride and loyalty. And maybe even trust when it comes to some people. If someone will stick by your side, stay loyal to you and agree with everything you say...or disagree but have a valid point..than that person is real. Not much. What if they're just pretending? What if they just try and act like you so they can get close to
you and your friends? What are you going to tell if they are actually being "real?"

These days it's hard to recognize "real" or "fake" in anyone. It almost seems like people are just going around trying to please everyone else. Putting on a facade and a fake face to get what they want or where they want to be. Someone who is "real" can be recognized through their actions. An individual can talk a big game all
they want. They can tweet they are real all day every day and how they keep it 100 24/7 but that doesn't mean anything. When it comes down to it, are they actually being "real" in person? It seems that people are definitely two-faced. Not in termsof acting one way around a certain group of people and acting a different way around another. But rather acting/saying on thing through social media and a totally different way in person.

Saying something over and over again isn't going to make it come true. It doesn't make something right. Your word is your honor. If you can't stick to your word that what are you standing for? Quoting rappers and singers doesn't make you any betterthan anyone else. Good for listened to a song and wrote it down. But what now? Is everyone supposed to just believe what you're writing? Those aren't even your words. Those aren't coming from your heart or mind. They are fabricated thoughts that you think people want to hear.

People who say they never talk behind any one's back or gossip are kidding themselves. Every one's done it and I don't think it will ever go away. Doesn't make you a bad person. You may simply just be telling a story about someone without them being there. That's talking about someone. You shouldn't be hypocritical or judgemental. That's not being real. You can stay true to who you are without putting someone else down. You don't have to agree with that person, but you also don't have to make them feel bad about what they believe in. There are many different definitions of someone who is "real" and someone who is "fake." You may fit both categories. Who's to say that's wrong. No one is perfect.

It just seems like for the most part...the people who have to publicly say they are "real"and always stay true to who they are and don't ever change...are the very people are actually "aren't!!" Don't practice something you don't preach!! It's not cute and people won't take you seriously. Show people through your actions who you really are. Not only your words.

 I don't think "real recognize real" is a very good statement in itself. Basically it's saying you acknowledge people who have similar traits as you do...someone who is like you. Justbecause someone doesn't possess every quality as you have doesn't mean they are any less of a person or someone who is "fake." It's actually probably a good thing. It would be weirdif everyone in this world was the same. BORING! It doesn't mean you have to become best friends with that person...or trust that person with valuable information...but it also doesn'tgive you the right to judge them and give them a yourself may not even deserve!


Thursday, June 2, 2011

Death with Dignity...

Do you believe in it?
Do you believe that a person has the right to determine when they should end their life?
Do you believe that someone who is physically suffering should be able to end that suffering on their own terms?

I am indifferent when it comes to answering those questions. Of course I'm not talking about suicide. I don't think anyone should ever commit suicide. I personally, think there are other ways besides suicide to fix your problems. I am talking about if someone has a terminal illness or if someone has been diagnosed with cancer. If they think or know they are going to die, should they have the right to determine when that time is? Personally, I would say yes and no.

I would never want someone I care about have to suffer in any way...emotionally and especially physically. It would be like I was feeling their pain as well. It would be awful to sit there and watch them cry and just be miserable. Yearning for anything to take their pain away, even if it's just for a few minutes. But what if you can't imagine your life without that person? What if it's your significant other that you have been married to for 20, 30 or 60 years? What if it's a parent that you can't just let go? Or a sibling that you haven't gone a day without talking to your whole lives?

At this point are you just being selfish? Is it selfish to want to spend as much time as possible with the one person you love most in this world. Is it selfish to make that person continue to suffer just so you can spend more time with them. So you can kiss them good morning and goodnight a few more times. So you can take a few more pictures that will last you a lifetime. So you can tell them how much you mean to them and "I love you" one more time. To look into their eyes like you have all those years before so you can remember eyelash and the exact color of their eyes just like the day you met. Is that being selfish?

It's hard to say you would agree with this until you were put in this situation. It's hard to say you'll do anything until you're forced to act upon those feelings. But I would respect someone's wishes if someone I cared about wanted to die with dignity. As much as it would hurt to let them go...I think I would respect that...or at least understand. Letting go is probably one of the hardest things to do.

I would want to remember that person as who I've always known them to be. Who they were before they became sick. And I think that's one of the main reason's of "death with dignity." Individuals don't want to be remembered for their last days laying in a hospital dire pain...maybe losing their hair...their memory or their sight. They want to be remembered as being full of life with that sparkle still in their eye.

Is that so much to ask?

I don't think it is, but then again I have never been in that situation before. But I can tell you this...I would want every single moment I could with that person. And I would cherish each moment like it was going to be my last. I wouldn't stop saying "I love you" and I would kiss then every chance I had. I would also cry everytime I knew they were in pain. I would hurt every time they hurt. And laugh every time they laughed. But most of all...I would want them to be comforable. I wouldn't want them to be in any pain. And with that..I would have to agree with "death with dignity."


Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Happily ever after...

...sets us up for a false sense of love.

Movies, story books and even magazines all tell a different story that reality. They tell a fictional story of what love is. Many of the story books are meant for a younger generation, but as you grow up, movies continue to paint the same picture. They continue to paint a picture of pure bliss, and endless love with no fighting and complete happiness. Almost like a never ending honeymoon. And that's just not what reality is like.

Of course there are those relationships that are better than others...with less fights..more sex..and just an all around comfortable life. But even with those relationships you have your hard times. There isn't a single relationship out there that doesn't have some controversy in it. There is going to be a compromise somewhere along the line. There is going to be a disagreement here and there.

As we grow up we, we start to become less naieve...for the most part. We start to realize everything isn't flowers and butterflies. Everything isn't sunshine and a clear blue sky. For the most part...we start to realize that love doesn't always have a happy ending and fairy tales aren't always true. But at the same time, it's hard to not imagine and believe you wont have a happy ending. I mean, who's to say you wont. Who's to say you wont find your knight and shining armor and fall madly in love with him. That could definitely happen. It happens every day. But I don't necessarily agree with the happily ever after part.

I find it hard to believe there are two people out there that wont ever disagree on anything. Who will take each other as they are with all their flaws and accomplishments just as they are. Again, that's not to say there isn't someone like that out there, but I don't know anyone like that. All these movies are putting false images in people's minds. Something that isn't realisitc. Something that an individual might not be able to obtain. Making it hard for them to just accept love as it is. With all it's complications and arguments and flaws and compromises and happy, unexpected moments.

When you try and force something that isn't meant to be or isn't meant to happen at that time then you are just making things worse for yourself. You can't force someone to love you. You can try to have that happily ever after and avoid arguments and fights but that will all back fire in the end. You can aim to please all you want, but that will only get you so far.

Of course there is head-over-heels passionate love out there. It happens every day. You just have to have a realistic outlook on life. You can't go around thinking life is a fairly tale. Everyone deserves to find their prince charming or their beautiful princess...but that always doesn't end up that way. Being open-minded is definitely key. Because that way, there isn't to much room for disappointment.


What if it really was Judgement Day?

I know that many people did not take the so-called "Judgement Day" seriously, but if you really thought about it...would you be satisfied with your life if the world had really ended? Would you be ok with leaving the Earth with the life you have lived up until that moment? I have mixed emotions on whether not I would be ok and content with how I would leave my life on Earth.

Many people just go about their lives day by day, not thinking about anything but work and bills and family if they have one. Those aren't bad things to think about, but those shouldn't be the only things we think about constantly. Life is about more than that. So many times you see individuals settle once they get in a relationship or start a family. They put their dreams and goals on hold in order to help others. Which is being really kind and unselfish...but where does that you leave you at the end of the day when they have accomplished everything they've wanted to do in life?

For the most part, people don't stop and smell the roses. People don't take the time to appreciate what they have and how blessed they truely are. To give give actually live a meaningful life. There are of course different variations of a meaningful life..some people are just happy to get by in life and others are satisfied until they have reached the top. It all depends on you. But why is it that we don't appreciate something until it's gone? Why is it that we wait until it's to late to say everything that you've wanted to say.

When it comes to love, why do we wait til it's over to express how we REALLY much we REALLY loved that person. Why do we get so emotional if all along they supposedly knew how much we actually loved them. Shouldn't there be a sense of security...a sense of comfort in knowing you did everything you could to show them you loved them before that relationship ended??

What about family members. I think we sometimes forget how important family is sometimes...until they are no longer there. Then you start to regret not saying "I love you" everything you got off the phone...or calling them more than once a month just to see hwo they're doing...or arguing over something pointless and not speaking to them for years. Family is there through thick and thin and they should know without question how you felt about them. When someone passes away, you should be at peace. You should have the confidence in knowing they knew how much they were loved. How much they were adored. How much they were cherished.

It's hard to just tell someone to go do something that scares them once a week...or travel to a place they could only dream of...or create a bucket list of things they've always wanted to do but never pushed themselves to do. It's not very practical for many people's lives. But you can spice up your life within your means. You can give more selfless...plant a tree...recycle...stick a promise and stand by your word...appreciate the people that you love and those who love you in your life. Do the simple things. :-)

If it really were "Judgement Day"...would you be satisfied with your life?!?


Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The latest!

So I am proud to say I am a graduate and alumni of the University of South Alabama!! I graduated May 14th and it was awesome. Such a great feeling! It was really nice to have the whole family together. We are all so busy with our own things going on, that we're never really in the same place at the same time. It took me 5 years but I finally did it. I think I'm actually going to miss it....I know that I'm going to miss playing the most! Was my passion and it's weird to not have that in my life anymore. It's definitely harder to stay active as well!!                                                                       

After graduation I went to Orlando! We went to Seaworld and Universal Studios and stayed at the Hard Rock hotel! It was sooo nice. We got so many priviledges. We also went to City Walk which had places to shop, the Hard Rock Cafe, Margaritaville and this nice NBA restuarant. It was soo much fun. I had never been to any of those places before which made it that much better. It was also Meg's birthday the week before so we celebrated that as well!!